Thursday, October 31, 2019

Organizational Development in HRD Case Study Research Paper

Organizational Development in HRD Case Study - Research Paper Example She manages the situation stating that knowing more about the history and long term objectives of the firm is essential to answer their queries. The members are happy with the interaction as they have little knowledge about CQI. Stepchuck is taking advantage of the client’s ignorance by assigning Todd as an expert in CQI. Although Todd is genuine and wants to ensure openness, the president insists her to continue with the project. Now Todd has two options; either quit the job or take up the role of CQI expert. (1). At this juncture, the new job raises certain ethical dilemmas that Todd has to address immediately. Both ‘role ambiguity and role conflict’ are identified in the context, because as stated above â€Å"neither the client nor the OD practitioner is clear about the respective responsibilities† (p. 62). Moreover, the role ambiguity and role conflict will lead to subsequent dilemmas especially ‘coercion, value and goal conflict, and technical ineptness’. To illustrate, Todd does not want to jeopardize her honesty while working with the new project. At the same time she wants to help her client in some way, though CQI is not her cup of tea. The current dilemmas can be solely attributed to the unethical stance of Todd’s employer, because his intention is entirely different from that of the client firm and his staff Todd. Evidently, Stepchuck is running a profit driven business heeding little attention to the actual needs or interests of the clients. As the case indicates, if the client is not sure about the issues they want to address, an unethical professional like Stepchuck tends to take unfair advantage of the situation. Even if Todd undertakes the assignment, she may have to face challenges associated with the stated dilemmas. (2). The way Todd responded to the situation at the meeting seems reasonable. A professional like Todd does not want to disclose the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Gas Station Spill Essay Example for Free

Gas Station Spill Essay This project investigates oil spill from gas station tanks, as well as its impact on the environment and bioremediation. The gas station market is greatly profitable. However, actions concerning its maintenance should be part of the big picture. Oil is toxic for human beings and its spill can severely damage soil and consequently groundwater. Due to the expiration date of an underground oil tank rated to be 25 years, this project will analyze oil spill from a gas station Ipase neighborhood located in Sao Luis city, Brazil. To accomplish this effort, this project will analyze remediation plans and its benefits. Remediation can be very costly, thus a prevention research of the vulnerable oil spill areas can be cheaper and more desirable. For the prevention research, it is necessary to study the locations of gas stations as well as the environment surrounding them. Some considerations as the gas stations proximity to water sources such as rivers and lakes must be measured as well as the proximity of the gas stations to preservations areas. It is intended to share the results of this project with other researchers, universities and gas station owners for a better understanding of the impact of oil spills and the precautionary measures available to minimize the impact on the environment.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fibonacci Series And The Golden Ratio Engineering Essay

Fibonacci Series And The Golden Ratio Engineering Essay The research question of this extended essay is, Is there a relation between the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio? If so be the reason, what is it and explain it. The Fibonacci series, which was first introduced by Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci), was found to have had a close connection with the Golden Ratio. The relation found was that the limit of the ratios of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence converges to the golden mean/golden ratio. I decided to carry out a few set of experiments that involved individual concepts of both: the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio. Using their individual applications such as the Golden Rectangle, a computerized calculation supported by a sketched graph, I found that I could arrive at a conjecture that linked the two concepts. I also used the Fibonacci spiral and Golden spiral to find the limit where the values would tend to meet. After carrying out the experiments, I decided to find the proof of the relation using the Binets formula which is essentially the formula for the nth term of a Fibonacci sequence. However, the Binets formula was interesting enough to make me find its proof and solve it myself. From there, I proceeded on to the proof of the relation between the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio using this formula. The Binet formula is given by ; . Following the proof, I carried out steps to verify it by substituting different values to check its validity. After proving the validity of the conjecture, I arrived at the conclusion that such a relation does exist. I also learned that this relation had applications in nature, art and architecture. Apart from these, there is a possibility that there are other applications which can be subjected to further investigation. Table of Contents Sl. No. Contents Page No. 1. Introduction to the Fibonacci Series 4 2. Introduction to the Golden Ratio 5 3. The Relationship between them 6 4. Forming the conjecture 6 5. Testing the conjecture 7 6. The proof 15 7. Verification of the proof 20 8. Conclusion 22 9. Further Investigation 22 10. Bibliography 23 Introduction The Fibonacci Series The Fibonacci series is that sequence where every term is the sum of the two terms that precedes it (in the Hindu-Arabic system) where the first two terms of the sequence are 0 and 1. The Fibonacci series is shown below 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Where the first two terms are 0 and 1 and the term following it is the sum of the two terms preceding it, which in this case are 0 and 1. Hence, 0 + 1 = 1 (third term) Similarly, Fourth term = third term + second term Fourth term = 1 + 1 = 2 And so the sequence follows. The series was first invented by an Italian by the name of Leonardo Pisano Bigollo (1180 1250) in 1202. He is better known as Fibonacci which essentially means the son of Bonacci. In his book, Liber Arci, there was a puzzle concerning the breeding of rabbits and the solution to this puzzle resulted in the discovery of the Fibonacci series. The problem was based on the total number of rabbits that would be born starting with a pair of rabbits first followed by the breeding of new rabbits which would also start giving birth one month after they were born themselves.  [1]   The problem was broken down into parts and the answer that was obtained gave rise to the Fibonacci series. The Fibonacci series gained a worldwide acceptance soon as after its discovery and was used in many fields. It had its uses and applications in nature (such as the petals of a sunflower and the nautilus shell). Shown below is the application of the series on the whirls of a pine cone.  [2] The Golden Mean / Golden Ratio The golden mean, also known as the golden ratio, as the name suggests is a ratio of distances in simple geometric figures  [3]  . This is only one of the many definitions found for the term. It is not solely restricted to geometric figures but the proportion is used for art, nature and architecture as well. From pine cones to the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci, the golden proportion is found almost everywhere. Another definition of the golden ratio is a precise way of dividing a line  [4]   There has never been one concrete definition for the golden ratio which makes it susceptible to different definitions using the same concept. First claimed to be known by Pythagoreans around 500 B.C., the golden proportion was established in print in one of Euclids major works namely, Elements, once and for all in 300 B.C. Euclid, the famous Greek mathematician was the first to establish what the golden section really was with respect to a line. According to him, the division of a line in a mean and extreme ratio  [5]  such a way that the point where this division takes place, the ratio of the parts of the line would be the Golden proportion. He determined that the Golden Ratio was such that The golden ratio is denoted by the Greek alphabet which has a value of 1.6180339à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Since then, the golden ratio has been used in various fields. In art, Leonardo Da Vinci coined the ratio as the Divine Proportion and used it to define the fundamental proportions of his famous painting of The Last Supper as well as Mona Lisa. Finally, it was in the 1900s that the term Phi was coined and used for the first time by an American mathematician Mark Barr who used the Greek letter phi to name this ratio.  [6]  Hence, the term obtained a chain of different names such as the golden mean, golden section and golden ratio as well as the Divine proportion.   The Relation between the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio After the discovery of the Fibonacci series and the golden ratio, a relation between the two was established. Whether this relation was a coincidence or not, no one was able to answer this question. However, today, the relation between the two is a very close one and it is visible in various fields. The relation is said to be The limit of the ratios of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence converges to the golden ratio. This means that as we move to the nth term in the Fibonacci sequence, the ratios of the consecutive terms of the Fibonacci series arrive closer to the value of the golden mean ().  [7]   Forming the Conjecture The Fibonacci series and the golden ratio have been linked together in many ways. Hence, I shall now produce the same statement as a conjecture as I am about to prove the relation through a set of experiments and eventually proving the conjecture (right or wrong). The conjecture is stated below The limit of the ratios of the terms of the Fibonacci series converge to the golden mean as n à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ , where n is the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence. In order to prove this conjecture, I have carried out a few experiments below that shall attribute to the result of the above conjecture. Testing the Conjecture Experiment No. 1: The first set of experiments deal with the Golden Rectangle. The golden rectangle is that rectangle whose dimensions are in the ratio (where y is the length of the rectangle and x is the breadth of the rectangle), and when a square of dimensions is removed from the original rectangle, another golden rectangle is left behind. Also, the ratio of the dimensions ( is equal to the golden mean (). I have used the concept of the Golden Rectangle to test whether the ratios of the dimensions of the two golden rectangles, when equated to each other, give the value of the golden ratio or not which is also said to be the formula for the nth term of the Fibonacci series. The latter part of the statement is in accordance with Binets formula. The following experiment shows how this works. Let us consider a rectangle with dimensions . The dotted line is the line that has divided the rectangle in such a way that the square on the left has dimensions of . Now, the rectangle on the right has the dimensions of where x is now the length of the new golden rectangle formed and (y-x) is the breadth. Golden Rectangle 1: y x y-x The reason why this rectangle is called a Golden Rectangle is because the ratio of its dimensions gives the value of à Ã¢â‚¬  . Hence, the information we can gather from the above figure is that (1) The new golden rectangle formed from the above one is shown below with dimensions Golden Rectangle 2: y x x The above new golden rectangle shown must thus also have the same property as that of any other golden rectangle. Therefore, From the above experiments we can establish the following relation (2) For convenience sake, I have decided to take so as to make y the subject of the equation. Hence, the above equation can now be re-written as On cross-multiplying the terms above we get Writing the above equation in the form of a quadratic equation, we get Using the quadratic formula, , we get Hence, the two roots obtained are However, the second root is rejected as a value as y is a dimension of the rectangle and hence cannot be a negative value. Hence we have, Evaluating this value we have But, from equation 1, we know that However, the value of x was restricted to 1 in the above test. So as to eliminate the variable in order to keep only y as the subject, I carried out the calculations below that help in doing so Rewriting the equation Cross-multiplying the variables Dividing the equation by , we get But we know that . Thus, using this substitution in the above equation we have This is the same quadratic that we obtained earlier and hence the doubt for the presence of x clears out. Experiment No. 2: For my second experiment, I have decided to use the concept of the Fibonacci spiral and that of the Golden Spiral. The steps on how to draw these spirals are given below A Fibonacci spiral is formed by drawing squares with dimensions equal to the terms of he Fibonacci series. We start by first drawing a 1 x 1 square 1 x 1 Next, another 1 x 1 square is drawn on the left of the first square. (every new square is bordered in red) Now, a 2 x 2 square is drawn below the two 1 x 1 squares. Next, a 3 x 3 square is drawn to the right of the above figure. Now, a 5 x 5 square is adjoined to the top of the figure. Next, a 8 x 8 square is adjoined to the left of the figure. And so the figure continues in the same manner. The squares are adjoined to the original shape in a left to right spiral (from down to up) and each time the square gets bigger but with dimensions equal to the numbers in the Fibonacci series. Starting from the inner square, a quarter of an arc of a circle is drawn within the square. This step is repeated as we move outward, towards the bigger square. The spiral eventually looks like this The shape shown below is the Fibonacci spiral without the squares A similar process is followed for forming the golden spiral. However, the only difference is that we draw the outer squares first and then draw the arcs starting from the larger squares. Hence, the spiral turns inwards all the way to the inner squares. Golden Spiral The Golden spiral eventually looks like this Golden Spiral On comparing the two spirals, it can be seen that they overlap as the arcs occupy the squares with dimensions of the latter terms of the Fibonacci series. An image of how the two spirals look is shown below From the above experiment, it can be seen that there is a connection between the Fibonacci series and the Golden Mean as their individual spirals overlap each other as the n (which is the nth term in the series) tends to infinity. Experiment No. 3: My third experiment involves technology. In this experiment, I decided to use a program of Microsoft Office, namely, Microsoft Excel in order to record the values obtained on calculating the ratio of the consecutive terms of the Fibonacci series. In the table below, I have recorded the terms of the Fibonacci series in the first column, the value of the ratio of the consecutive terms in the Fibonacci sequence in the second column, the value of  [8]  in the third column and the variation of the value of the ration from the value of à Ã¢â‚¬   in the last column. Term of Fibonacci Series Value of ratio of consecutive terms value of variation of value calculated from value of 0 1 1 1.00000000000000 1.61803398874989 0.61803398874989 2 2.00000000000000 1.61803398874989 -0.38196601125011 3 1.50000000000000 1.61803398874989 0.11803398874989 5 1.66666666666667 1.61803398874989 -0.04863267791678 8 1.60000000000000 1.61803398874989 0.01803398874989 13 1.62500000000000 1.61803398874989 -0.00696601125011 21 1.61538461538462 1.61803398874989 0.00264937336527 34 1.61904761904762 1.61803398874989 -0.00101363029773 55 1.61764705882353 1.61803398874989 0.00038692992636 89 1.61818181818182 1.61803398874989 -0.00014782943193 144 1.61797752808989 1.61803398874989 0.00005646066000 233 1.61805555555556 1.61803398874989 -0.00002156680567 377 1.61802575107296 1.61803398874989 0.00000823767693 610 1.61803713527851 1.61803398874989 -0.00000314652862 987 1.61803278688525 1.61803398874989 0.00000120186464 1597 1.61803444782168 1.61803398874989 -0.00000045907179 2584 1.61803381340013 1.61803398874989 0.00000017534976 4181 1.61803405572755 1.61803398874989 -0.00000006697766 6765 1.61803396316671 1.61803398874989 0.00000002558318 10946 1.61803399852180 1.61803398874989 -0.00000000977191 17711 1.61803398501736 1.61803398874989 0.00000000373253 28657 1.61803399017560 1.61803398874989 -0.00000000142571 46368 1.61803398820532 1.61803398874989 0.00000000054457 75025 1.61803398895790 1.61803398874989 -0.00000000020801 121393 1.61803398867044 1.61803398874989 0.00000000007945 196418 1.61803398878024 1.61803398874989 -0.00000000003035 317811 1.61803398873830 1.61803398874989 0.00000000001159 514229 1.61803398875432 1.61803398874989 -0.00000000000443 The aim of the table is to find out whether the value of the ratio reaches the value of à Ã¢â‚¬   or not, as the number of terms increases infinitely. Observation: From the above table, it can be seen that as we reach the nth term of the Fibonacci series, the variation in the value of the ratios from the value of à Ã¢â‚¬  , decreases. This observation is in agreement with the conjecture The limit of the ratios of the terms of the Fibonacci series converge to the golden mean as n à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ , where n is the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence. Inference: From the above 3 experiments, I have found that the conjecture holds true for them all. Hence, I would like to state that the tests for the conjectures have been significantly successful. The Proof In order to find the relation between the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio, I followed the proof below that uses calculus to establish the required relation. The Fibonacci series is given by, Assuming that 0, 1, and 1 are the first three terms of the sequence: (3) This eventually goes on to form the well known sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Dividing the Left Hand Side (or LHS) and the Right Hand Side (or RHS) of equation 3 by F(n), gives (By taking the numerator as the denominator of F(n)) By substituting the limit of the ratios of the terms (as n à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ ) of the Fibonacci series with A, the limit is taken on both sides such that n à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ The above is true as the ratio Hence, the below quadratic equation is formed We can find the roots of A by using the quadratic formula, . or From this we find that This value of is easily attainable using the Binet formula. The Binet formula is that formula which gives the value of by substituting the variable x with one of the n terms of the Fibonacci series. Using the concept of the golden rectangle, the quadratic that was obtained earlier Gave the value of . The proof of the Binet formula shows another possibility to arrive at the relation between the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio. The beauty of this proof is that the quadratic first arose from the Fibonacci series calculation and the root that was obtained gave the value of phi. This is from the proof that was written above. Under the heading Testing the Conjecture that was done earlier, the quadratic arose from the dimensions of the Golden Rectangle and the equation thus obtained gave the value of phi. Using this concept, I have followed the proof below which was solved by older mathematicians. The Binet formula is given by Now, from the above tests, we got However, there were 2 values that were obtained on calculating the value of y. The value of y that was negative was rejected then as it was incorrect to consider it a valid answer for a dimension of a geometric figure. Calling this negative root as , we can rewrite the Binet formula as Going back to the quadratic equation, we can substitute in place of y and so the quadratic equation is (4) This quadratic was obtained from the Golden Rectangle. In order to arrive at the Fibonacci sequence, a series of algebraic manipulations will help us reach that step. To start off with, we have the value of in terms of . Now, to get the value of in terms of , we multiply equation (4) into . Using equation (4), we substitute for and we get Using the same method to find the value for raised to higher powers, we have Similarly, Writing the various values for raised to higher powers (5) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Now if we look at the coefficients closely, we see that they are the consecutive terms of the Fibonacci series. This can be written as (6) However, the above trend is not enough proof for generalizing the above statement. Hence, I decided to prove it by using the principle of mathematical induction. Step 1: Step 2: To prove that P(1) is true. Hence, P(1) is true (from equation 5) Step 3: Hence, P(k) is true where Step 4: To prove that P(k+1) is true. Starting from the RHS, (from equation 3) (from equation 4) (from P(k)) = RHS Hence, P(k+1) is true. Therefore, P(n) is true for all Now that we have proved that P(n) is true is true in its generalized form. Also, we know that is the other root of the quadratic equation and so the above general equation can be written in the above form as well (7) In order to obtain the Binet formula in the form of We can subtract equation (7) from equation (6) to get Substituting the original values of and in denominator of the above equation, we get Substituting the value of and in the above equation, we get This is the Binet formula which we started to prove. Hence, the formula is valid. Verifying the Proof In order to validate a proof, it must be tested in order to check whether the conjecture is valid and can be generalized. For this reason, I have decided to use the Binet formula (that was proved above) to check the validity of the relation between the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio by substituting values for x in the equation Using Case 1: , Which is the first term of the Fibonacci series. Case 2: , Which is the second term of the Fibonacci series. Case 3: , Which is the third term of the Fibonacci series. Case 4: , Which is the fourth term of the Fibonacci series. From these substitutions it is clear that the formula is a valid one which gives the desired result. Also, the above calculations have proved to be substantial examples for proving the validity of the proofs shown above. However, an important note to remember in the Binet formula is that the value of x starts from 0 and increases. So it can be said that (x belongs to the set of whole numbers). This is to account for the fact that the Fibonacci series starts from 0 and then continues. Hence, the conjecture is true and can be generalized. Hence the conjecture below can be considered true. The limit of the ratios of the terms of the Fibonacci series converge to the golden mean as n à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ , where n is the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence. Conclusion From the above tests and verifications, it is clear that a relation between the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio does truly exist. The relation being The limit of the ratios of the terms of the Fibonacci series converge to the golden mean as n à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ , where n is the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci series as well as the Golden Ratio have their individual applications as well as combined applications in various fields of nature, art, etc. As mentioned earlier, the Fibonacci series was used to find a solution to the rabbit problem. The relation between the two concepts was an integral part of the central idea in the novel The Da Vinci Code. Along with these well known ideas, other applications of the two concepts are present in the whirls of a pine cone, the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci, the spiral of the nautilus shell, the petals of the sunflower. These are only very few examples regarding the applications of the two concepts. However, this relation has proved to be useful to environmentalists, artists and many other researches. For example, artists were able to use the study of the concept in the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci and decipher old symbols. It also has given them the chance to create art of their own that by using this concept in their procedure of creating. Further Investigation With the great number of applications that were found regarding the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio, there is a possibility that there are other applications of the concept as well. The convergence of the ratios of the values to the value of phi may prove to be of great significance if applied to another theory that has boggled minds of mathematicians for years. Possibilities such as these give rise to the question of further investigation in this aspect of the relationship between the two concepts.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Long Term Effects of Colonization :: essays research papers

Even in today’s complex society, the effects of past colonization can still be felt. The most obvious of these effects on society is a change in the culture of any colonized area or group of people. This is a direct result from the forceful tactics used during historical colonization. Colonization has occurred throughout history. In Europe, three of the most influential colonizers were the Spanish, the French, and the British. These three countries were driven by three very basic motives: a desire for material gain, a desire to spread religion, and a desire to expand territory. Britain conquered Burma over a period of 62 years (1824-1886). Burma wasn’t administered as a province of India until 1937, when it became a separate, self-governing colony. This is the arrangement of details surrounding George Orwell’s story of â€Å"Shooting An Elephant†. The reader finds oneself in the midst of a colonization struggle between the British and the Burmese. On one hand there is a â€Å"Burmese† elephant that needs to be contained, while on the other hand there is a growing number of people joining a crowd that seems to be an obstacle for an imperialist guard’s ability to take control of the situation. The very tension of the crowd following the imperialist guard is the â€Å"colonization effect† is felt. This crowd of Burmese civilians expect the guard to shoot and kill this elephant, hence the reason they followed him. The guard finds himself being pressured by the crowd to take care of shooting the elephant. It is this pres sure that almost forces the guard to make a hasty, not necessarily the right decision about handling these circumstances. If the guard were to make an error in judgment in direct result from this pressure from the crowd, he would find himself caught in a very bad position. A guard, who is part of a coalition colonizing an area, in the middle (literally) of an angry mob of local civilians unwilling to accept the colonization brought on by this guard’s imperialistic philosophies. The effects of eighteenth and nineteenth century colonization can still be felt today. When Britain colonized Burma, the English language quickly spread, and the indigenous languages of the natives began to be wiped out.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Impressions of what life was like for the colonists Essay

Life in the new world for the colonists was like nothing that individuals in today’s society can understand. After taking the Would You Have Survived the Colony quiz on the website, it is easy to see that surviving the colonial atmosphere might have been one of the most difficult tasks on earth. This is because of the differences in culture, in food, in work load, and with other important aspects of life that would take an awful lot of adjusting. When the Europeans came across the pond to colonize America, they had a lot of adjusting to do, as well. The first way that they had to adjust to the new world was with the environmental changes. Life in America was rough because of all of the elements. Europe was a flat area with a lot of rain and average weather. When they came to America, they had to put up with mountains, with rivers, and with lots of other elements. There was also the animals that they had to adjust to. Because the United States was just being colonized and modernized, lots of wild animals were running around where people were living. Among them were predators like bears and big cats. When people went out to find food or to cut wood, they had to put up with this nuisance. This was how life was so difficult and it was something that people of today’s culture would struggle with. When taking that quiz, I thought about the clothes that people would wear if they had to go back to that time. I like to be in nice clothes. Though I do not have to have the latest in fashion, I do like to keep up with the times. Back then, the clothes had to last a long time and they had to be able to stand up to the elements. People had to track through the woods, so the clothes had to be able to put up with that challenge. Since there was no air conditioning or heating at the time, the clothes also had to be much more of an insulator in the difficult times. This would be a difficult adjustment for someone like myself if I were to go back in time. The last and most important thing is the overall work ethic and lifestyle that would have to be employed. Every time those people wanted something, they had to work hard for it. If they wanted a fire, they had to cut down some wood and start the fire. If they wanted to eat something, they had to go kill it and cook it. There were no fast food restaurants to go grab food at. Today, people go to work in order to make money to buy nice things. Those people had to go to work in order to keep themselves and their families alive. That was in addition to actually protecting themselves from the elements and the things in the environment that were so difficult. Overall, life in the colonial period was difficult and it would definitely be an adjustment for anyone who had to go back in time and face it. The differences in the economy and with the environment are so profound that people had to go through a whole lot each and every day. The main difference is that there were no days off if you felt bad or simply needed some rest.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom The Post-AIDS Movement essay

buy custom The Post-AIDS Movement essay The post-AIDS movement has seen major items that are used being kicked out of advertisement due to their negative effects to the contemporary world where we have people that are affected by the AIDS pandemic. The negative effect of sex revolution to people living with AIDS has seen these items that have a relative relationship with sexual acts, but have the relative importance ion the diagnosis of this disease. The advertisement of things that are directly involved with sex can have a negative impact to youth as a thing like condom advertisement on TV will influence them to be engaged in sexual activities. This can enhance sexual activity among the youths and can lead to unprotected sex which definitely will result to contracting the deadly diseases that the advertisement was targeting. Parents have to take action in educating their children about safe sex when they attain the age that is suitable to be educated. Items that have to be used in the treatment or the diagnosis of conditi ons that are with the people are easily advertised due to the fact that they do not directly touch on sex that is widely seen as a taboo. Due to the fact that prostitution in some instances is viewed to be against the morals of the society, it can also be viewed as an occupation like any other as there is provision of employment to those involved in the act. Thus, the issue of prostitution should not be taken lightly as to a much extent; it is a contributor to the economy thus enhancement of money circulation and also the payment of taxes to the government. Money that is generated from this profession finds its way to the economy through purchasing of other consumer goods. Due to the high percentage of abuse to the profession by the members of the population, the government should provide adequate laws that safeguard the rights of the prostitutes. Thus indulgence to prstitution one has to overcome the many cases that are associated with the profession. The prostitutes need to be provided with benefits of both health and retirement as their occupation was positively contributing to the economy. There should also be enhancements of programs that educate these prostitutes of the importance of practicing safe sex with their clients to avert the dangers that are involved with the unprotected sex. The power of knowledge lies primarily through gathering of information from the various types of media in the world. The dissemination of information to the general public helps them to acquire certain information that brings a lot of benefit to their lives. The spread of malady can be minimized when information that concerns its spread is relayed to the population as they become aware of the means and ways to which the epidemic is spreading and thus they are equipped with the mechanisms of curbing it. The dissemination of information to the population particularly through TV has helped in wiping of ignorance and arrogance that thrive within peoples minds. Media plays an important role in the diagnosis of information to the population at the right time thus enhancing their preparedness of any occurrence of an epidemic. They have the power and the courage that is required to face the epidemic as the information reaches to them within the shortest time. The information acts as a guide in the management of the epidemics and this provide an avenue for preventing further spread of the epidemic. The information thus provide an avenue for the populations decisions making using information at hand and the action taken which usually results to the minimization of the spread. Legalization of prostitution can play a major role in contributing to the economy as this practice is medieval, and the direct contribution to the economy is minimal with criminal acts that are associated with the illegal prostitution. Legalizing of prostitution prevents the underground prostitution which has the effects of forced prostitution and the introduction of the minors to the profession. The act of prostitution will therefore be effectively managed instead of it being ignored as the case of it being illegal. The crime figures that are always organized will not be able to treat their workers as subhuman and they will be unable to control women as this will give the prostitutes the equal right as the ordinary women have been accorded. Prostitution is a personal choice and will be open under the philosophy of free and dynamic society. The minors will not be forced to prostitution as the occupation will be highly organized thus enabling the law enforcers to monitor its activiti es and it will be easier for them to detect any minors involvement in the profession. The reality shows can be used to play an important role to the fight against the HIV pandemic and the sex revolution of the post-AIDS movements that has been seen to be rising. The pops that are hosted relatively points out to areas that can have significant impacts to this fight against HIV as they can improve in the fight if they are applied, even though some would not be having an impact for some time. The population is made aware of the possibilities of methods that can be applied to the fight and thus forming a culture that is aware of the effects of HIV, and joining hand in hand to fight the pandemic. Their arguments concerning the fight do contribute to the fight as they bring out points that are necessary in enhancing the fight. The pops in the reality shows usually provide powerful messages to the population through the shows which in reality have a great impact to the fight and also equip the masses with the necessary information that enhance their fight if they are effecti vely applied. Buy custom The Post-AIDS Movement essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Solid Agricultural Company Essay Essays

The Solid Agricultural Company Essay Essays The Solid Agricultural Company Essay Essay The Solid Agricultural Company Essay Essay There are at least as many manners of direction as there are directors ; however. most direction manners fall into one of a few wide classs. Every manager’s manner includes some agencies of doing determinations and some agencies of associating to subsidiaries. Below are the five most common direction manners. Autocratic: Autocratic or autocratic directors lead one-sidedly. They make determinations based on their ain sentiments and experience without taking the sentiments of subsidiaries into history. Although autocratic directors do non be given to be popular with employees. they make determinations rapidly and expeditiously. On the other manus. if an bossy director makes an mistake. the deficiency of input from others can do the effects terrible. Autocratic direction tends to be successful in industries that rely on unskilled workers and have plentifulness of turnover. such as nutrient service and retail. Highly skilled and personally motivated employees tend to gall under this type of direction. Advisory: Like bossy directors. advisory directors make determinations more or less one-sidedly. Unlike bossy directors. these leaders prioritize communicating with employees and take their demands into history alongside the demands of the concern. Consultative direction still allows the director to do determinations expeditiously ; in add-on. the accent on employee interaction tends to increase employee trueness and cut down turnover. However. employees tend to go extremely dependent on their director. Advisory directors tend to be most successful in concerns that hope to retain employees for long periods of clip. Many of the best office directors use this manner. Persuasive: Persuasive directors maintain control over every facet of the concern indirectly. Alternatively of giving orders. these directors operate by explicating why undertakings need to be carried out in a certain manner. Employees tend to experience more involved in the decision-making procedure under this manner ; however. ultimate authorization still rests with the director entirely. Persuasive direction is a peculiarly helpful manner when complicated undertakings need to be carried out in the workplace. However. directors who rely excessively to a great extent on explicating every undertaking in item may see their concerns decelerate to a crawl. Democratic: While a persuasive director explains every facet of the decision-making procedure to his subsidiaries. a democratic director really includes his subsidiaries in the procedure. Democratic direction relies to a great extent on bipartisan communicating between direction and employees. This manner is peculiarly helpful when a determination requires specialized cognition that the director lacks ; for case. when doing an IT-related determination. a director may necessitate to inquire an IT specializer for input. Including employees in decision-making tends to better occupation satisfaction and cut down turnover. Trusting on employee input for every determination. though. can greatly cut down the efficiency of the concern. Laissez-faire: In a â€Å"hands-off† direction manner. the director acts as a incentive. wise man and usher to his subsidiaries. Individual employees manage their ain subdivisions of the concern with minimum supervising. Possibly surprisingly. this direction manner demands the most personal accomplishment from the director: If he can efficaciously pass on a strong vision for the concern and steer his subsidiaries with wide expertness. a individualistic director can convey out the best in his workers. Highly professional. self-motivated employees. such as salesmen and applied scientists. can profit greatly from this manner. Although most directors tend to fall into one of these five classs. the most successful troughs can pull from several manners depending on the state of affairs. Within a individual office. some fortunes may name for an bossy determination. others may name for democratic engagement from subsidiaries and still others may necessitate a hands-off attack. Directors who make an attempt to larn all five manners can win in any scene.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Fairness and Equality in Ecuador essays

Fairness and Equality in Ecuador essays Ecuador is small country in south America. is situated over Perà º and beneath Venezuela and Colombia. Its population is 12.500.000. there are different ethnic groups in Ecuador, there is mestizo (mixed Amerindian and Spanish) 55%, Amerindian 25%, Spanish 10%, black 10% (-1-). The predominant religion is Roman Catholicism. 90% of the population knows how to read and write. Ecuador is also very rich in tradition and it has been blessed with tons of natural resources and a climate that allows us to grow and produce all year long almost anything. The official language is Spanish but in Somme places they also speak a mixture of Amerindian dialects especially Quechua( most likely spoken by Indians ) . In Ecuador like in most south American countries politics are very corrupted. Ecuador is not very fair to every one in its community because it doesnt provide equal opportunity for every one,Ecuadors modern society unfair that you can almost say that you are either born with or with out opportunity. One of the most significant factors that affect equal treatment is last names. Last names can be good or bad it just depends WHAT your name is and what does it represent to society. Last names have a history attached. To have a good name means tons of thing, means you come from a family known to every one because its been around in Ecuador at the least for the last 200 years and always have been known to be honest, all men and women were gentlemen or proper ladies, hard working, table manners, politeness, noble, and most of all it says that you can be trusted. While that person can be the biggest thief in Ecuadors history. A lot of the politicians use their last names to project an image of truth and honesty to the people just so they can get a vote. A lot of people rely on names for a lot of things, the difference between having a good name or a bad ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Haiyi Hotels Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Haiyi Hotels - Assignment Example The attainment of the vision of this organization is a result of a myriad of ideas laid out in the core values of the company. First, the company’s executive’s commitment to offering effective leadership will propel the business forward to attaining the leading position that the vision aims at achieving. Innovative practices, creative thinking, and an entrepreneurial spirit define this duty. Secondly, the company’s culture of integrity, honesty, and ethics in all facets of business coupled with the respect that honors each guest’s individuality is an important milestone in achieving the vision. These values give the company an upper hand in tailoring customer service to fit customers’ specifications and expectations. The company hopes to build on the already strong and loyal customer base, as achieved by a keen observance of the values mentioned above, to venture into new locations and better their services in the existing establishments. A genuine connection with the environment and neighborhoods and the communities in which the hotel company operates is of fundamental importance in the realization of the vision. Information about the market and customer expectations are of invaluable significance in the company’s vision of having autonomous establishments that have unique cultures. Maintaining such a connection with the neighborhood and the communities gives the company an assurance of a continuous flow of authentic and spot-on information.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Gas-particle flow through preforated plates Thesis

Gas-particle flow through preforated plates - Thesis Example Historically developing and investigating such systems has been a complex endeavour. These challenges have been ameliorated significantly with the introduction of fluid computational systems. This text is aimed at analysing gas particulate systems that are specifically designed for service with perforated plate systems. Perforated plate systems present unique challenges in themselves because of the effects of closely placed fluid streams. This investigation will attempt to describe gas solid systems flowing through perforated plates by developing a complete background through secondary research. Various industrial and other applications necessitate the utilisation of gas solid systems. These systems have been in use for a long period of time dating to as far back as the 1920’s when commercial attempts at coal gasification were being performed. The forty’s saw the application of these multi phase systems to the FCC (fluid catalytic cracking) systems while the fifties saw an increase in their use to processes such as sulphide roasting, drying and calcining. Similarly the sixty’s witnessed the growth of these systems to the commercial production of various monomers such as the production of acrylonitrile, vinyl chloride and oxychlorination processes. (Crowe) In rapid succession the seventies also witnessed various improvements in these petro chemical processes with the use of multi phase systems. However, through these entire developments one thing remained common to all processes other than the use of solid gas systems. This commonality was the use of per forated plates to mix up these gas solid systems. (Crowe, Sommerfield and Yutaka, Multiphase Flows with Droplets and Particles) The preference provided to perforated plates stemmed from the need to let fluid streams through and to ensure enough turbulence to promote mixing. In due course of time, these solid gas systems along with the use of

Wealth and Welfare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wealth and Welfare - Essay Example According to IMF (2004), countries with a favorable welfare for their citizens tend to generate more wealth than countries with poor welfare for their citizens. A look at the CIA’s World Fact book and the ranking of countries under global better life index, it shows that there is an indirect relationship between wealth and welfare (CIA, 2015; OECD, 2015). There are several other factors to consider when assessing a country’s wealth and welfare, but the fact remains that each is a contributing factor to the other such that a country with the highest wealth may not have the best welfare, but the range of countries ranked highest in wealth are also those within the group with the best welfare. Going back to the IMF findings, governments should focus their efforts on addressing welfare rather than focusing more on projects that will increase the country’s wealth. Citizens with a good welfare are more likely to be proactive and contribute more towards the country’s wealth. In this perspective, I would support British Prime Minister David Cameron’s view that it is better to focus more on the people â€Å"well-being rather than purely on economic criteria† (Jordans,

Security project planning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Security project planning - Research Paper Example el in order to analyze the information security plan as well as its existing situation of the information security attempts with respect to a number of stages presented in the bull eye model. Basically, the bull eye model allows project teams especially the project planners to find out the status of their progress with respect to their information security efforts. It tells them in which areas they need to pay more attention and expand their information security efforts and potential. Additionally, the bull eye model depends on a process of determining the project plans in a series in the context of four layers, which include policies, networks, systems, and applications. These layers are illustrated in figure1. The figure1 shows how these layers are connected with each other (CQUniversity, 2009; Joshi, 2013). Systems: This layer deals with all kinds of systems that can be used by the people. In this scenario, these systems can comprise computers used as servers, systems employed for process control and manufacturing systems and desktop computers. In addition, the bull’s eye model can be utilized to assess the series of actions that need to be performed to put together elements of the information security plan into a project plan. There is a close relationship between all the layers and these layers can be associated with each other in the following ways (CQUniversity, 2009; Joshi, 2013): Until an organization does not develop, communicate and implement an effective and useable information technology and information security policy, it should not spend further resources on additional controls. Once it is ensured that there is an effective policy is prepared, systems are safe, networks are secure, an organization should pay attention to the evaluation and cure of the security of the firm’s applications installed on systems (CQUniversity, 2009; Joshi,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Are some ways of knowing more likely than others to lead to truth Essay

Are some ways of knowing more likely than others to lead to truth - Essay Example However, the following definition of knowledge can be taken for our current consideration. Information or data that is gathered by any one or any thing, using the ways of knowing can be construed as knowledge. Knowledge has to be known to become knowledge. Therefore, knowing is an important activity or part of the knowledge. For our current consideration, this may be taken as the definition of what knowledge is. The above definition of knowledge brings into focus the ways of knowledge. What is 'knowing' and what are the ways of knowing Knowing is to gather information or data about something of interest to a person or object. Webster's English dictionary defines the word 'knowing' as: Possessing information may be special on any specific subject or object. This also places the word 'know' under question. 'Know' is to have some idea or information on a specific subject or object of interest. If this is to, how can a person 'know' about something Knowing then is what one can gather information or data about. One can know about the object of interest in the following ways: A person might gather information or 'know' about an object or a person using any of these methods. These therefore, are the ways of knowing and hence the ways to get the knowledge that one would like to possess. In addition, knowledge is accepted as knowledge by subjecting it to the knowledge tests, viz., coherence, correspondence, pragmatism and consensus. If the knowledge when subjected to any of these tests comes out successfully, then the same may be considered as knowledge. Similarly, there are nine justifications for the knowledge. These are the ones that help in bringing about or reasons for having knowledge. These include logic, sensory perception, revelation, faith, memory, consensus, authority, intuition and self-awareness make up the nine justifications of knowledge. Perception Perception of an object would depend on every individuals thought and action. The state of mind also alters the perception a person has on an object. This also decides what the person understands about the event or object when he encounters it. This would depend on the perception of the person. However, it can also be noted that such perceptions are normally ultra sensitive perceptions that seems more like things outside of the living earth. This would include even the Platonic Forms that are more a representation of the remote thoughts and actions that change the way work but are influenced by our 'perception' of the object or the subject and not on other factors (Morton 2002). Perception has been more refined now to mean only those that are realized through sensory perception and not anything else so that any other means of perception or avoided in the ways of knowledge. Therefore, it can be taken that perception today means only those information that are gathered using any of the sensory perceptions like seen, heard, felt, etc. Therefore, it now includes all that is read or heard through some one or from some thing to make the knowledge learnt through perception. This implies that learning is also a knowledge gathering exercise and education is one such process. However, perception or seeing is possibly the beginning of gathering information or knowledge. But as John Berger (1983)

Channel tunnel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Channel tunnel - Essay Example The Transmanche Link (TML) is the contractor who is responsible for the Channel Tunnel design, construction and commissionioning of the project. Design of the Channel Tunnel The design scale was massive and highly intricate and hence it was categorized into five divisions – a) System throughput b) Performance of shuttle trains c) Environment d) Safety and passenger evacuation e) Scenarios and operational procedures The design of the Channel Tunnel included four phases: 1. Development Study 2. Outline Design APS) 3. Definitive Design (APD) 4. Detailed Design (PEO) The design of the project was so intricate and diverse with a huge volume of work and specialties involved that sub-contracts making use of the expertise of major independent companies were accepted. Design teams such as BETU (Tunnel design office) and BETER (Terminal design office) contributed their expertise. 1. Structural design a) The Service Tunnel The Service Tunnel Transportation is designed with 24 rubber-tyre d vehicles rolling along at top speed of 80 kph that is electronically guided by cables that are embedded but allows for the maintenance of permanent equipment. These shuttles are 650m in length having a single deck. There are open wagons that are 20m in length, 4 m in width and 5m in height with a load capacity of 44T. It is designed in such a way that special amenity coaches are provided to carry drivers between the locomotive and the HGV wagons. b) The Main Railway Tunnels (RTs) The design comprises of two tunnels 50 km in length and running parallel to each other with a distance of 30m. Each tunnel has a single rail track, overhead catenary, power supply, cooling pipes, two walkways, a drainage system and other auxiliary services. These tourist shuttles are designed with an average capacity of 135 vehicles and a length of 775m. Each end has a loading and unloading wagon and 12 twenty-five meter long carrier wagons that are closed and identical. Special Design Features Rail Signa ling System The rail signaling system is so designed so as to ensure safety to passengers, drivers, goods and locomotive behavior. All information is directly relayed within the drivers cabin. It also includes an automatic speed limit to ensure safety. Track System Since this railway is the most heavily trafficked with an average of about 240,000,000 tonnes per year, the design is made to match this output. It has a strong support system made of concrete to last for a minimum of 50 years. The strong framework is made highly tolerant for safety to life and property and is also designed with a rail fastening to allow minor service adjustments for maintenance and changing of components. The design also includes a low aerodynamic resistance that allows airflow under the trains. The tunnels comprise of a non-ballasted track made of concrete consisting of UIC 60kg/lm rail tracks that is mounted on pairs of independent support blocks. The tracks are isolated from the support blocks by nylo n clips and rubber ‘O’ ring. Such designing not only lends resilience but also maintains a high level of geometric tolerance. The design also contributes towards increasing speed that is 200km/h for TGVs through trains, while shuttles go at 160 km/h. Rolling Stock Rolling Stock comprises of 43 locomotives and 512 wagons that include

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Security project planning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Security project planning - Research Paper Example el in order to analyze the information security plan as well as its existing situation of the information security attempts with respect to a number of stages presented in the bull eye model. Basically, the bull eye model allows project teams especially the project planners to find out the status of their progress with respect to their information security efforts. It tells them in which areas they need to pay more attention and expand their information security efforts and potential. Additionally, the bull eye model depends on a process of determining the project plans in a series in the context of four layers, which include policies, networks, systems, and applications. These layers are illustrated in figure1. The figure1 shows how these layers are connected with each other (CQUniversity, 2009; Joshi, 2013). Systems: This layer deals with all kinds of systems that can be used by the people. In this scenario, these systems can comprise computers used as servers, systems employed for process control and manufacturing systems and desktop computers. In addition, the bull’s eye model can be utilized to assess the series of actions that need to be performed to put together elements of the information security plan into a project plan. There is a close relationship between all the layers and these layers can be associated with each other in the following ways (CQUniversity, 2009; Joshi, 2013): Until an organization does not develop, communicate and implement an effective and useable information technology and information security policy, it should not spend further resources on additional controls. Once it is ensured that there is an effective policy is prepared, systems are safe, networks are secure, an organization should pay attention to the evaluation and cure of the security of the firm’s applications installed on systems (CQUniversity, 2009; Joshi,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Channel tunnel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Channel tunnel - Essay Example The Transmanche Link (TML) is the contractor who is responsible for the Channel Tunnel design, construction and commissionioning of the project. Design of the Channel Tunnel The design scale was massive and highly intricate and hence it was categorized into five divisions – a) System throughput b) Performance of shuttle trains c) Environment d) Safety and passenger evacuation e) Scenarios and operational procedures The design of the Channel Tunnel included four phases: 1. Development Study 2. Outline Design APS) 3. Definitive Design (APD) 4. Detailed Design (PEO) The design of the project was so intricate and diverse with a huge volume of work and specialties involved that sub-contracts making use of the expertise of major independent companies were accepted. Design teams such as BETU (Tunnel design office) and BETER (Terminal design office) contributed their expertise. 1. Structural design a) The Service Tunnel The Service Tunnel Transportation is designed with 24 rubber-tyre d vehicles rolling along at top speed of 80 kph that is electronically guided by cables that are embedded but allows for the maintenance of permanent equipment. These shuttles are 650m in length having a single deck. There are open wagons that are 20m in length, 4 m in width and 5m in height with a load capacity of 44T. It is designed in such a way that special amenity coaches are provided to carry drivers between the locomotive and the HGV wagons. b) The Main Railway Tunnels (RTs) The design comprises of two tunnels 50 km in length and running parallel to each other with a distance of 30m. Each tunnel has a single rail track, overhead catenary, power supply, cooling pipes, two walkways, a drainage system and other auxiliary services. These tourist shuttles are designed with an average capacity of 135 vehicles and a length of 775m. Each end has a loading and unloading wagon and 12 twenty-five meter long carrier wagons that are closed and identical. Special Design Features Rail Signa ling System The rail signaling system is so designed so as to ensure safety to passengers, drivers, goods and locomotive behavior. All information is directly relayed within the drivers cabin. It also includes an automatic speed limit to ensure safety. Track System Since this railway is the most heavily trafficked with an average of about 240,000,000 tonnes per year, the design is made to match this output. It has a strong support system made of concrete to last for a minimum of 50 years. The strong framework is made highly tolerant for safety to life and property and is also designed with a rail fastening to allow minor service adjustments for maintenance and changing of components. The design also includes a low aerodynamic resistance that allows airflow under the trains. The tunnels comprise of a non-ballasted track made of concrete consisting of UIC 60kg/lm rail tracks that is mounted on pairs of independent support blocks. The tracks are isolated from the support blocks by nylo n clips and rubber ‘O’ ring. Such designing not only lends resilience but also maintains a high level of geometric tolerance. The design also contributes towards increasing speed that is 200km/h for TGVs through trains, while shuttles go at 160 km/h. Rolling Stock Rolling Stock comprises of 43 locomotives and 512 wagons that include

Strategy Management Essay Example for Free

Strategy Management Essay 1. Current situation overview Nowadays, the world video games market has become conspicuous and profitable, resulted by rapid increase of amount by video games players. The key assessment for winning in video games market is to attract the consumers to buy and focus. Meanwhile, the current situation of video games industry has become more competitive, which dominated by Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3. This case sketches a framework of video games historical development for past a few decades and the future strategic prospection by Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3. In addition, this case also describes the innovations and course of actions for broadening the market share holding by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. Moreover, those companies have renewed their own console generation and technology in order to gain competitive advantages in the video games market. During the recent stage of video games development, the players are not only focusing on ‘just playing a game’, but also they will consider the games’ design, art, animation and quality assurance. 2. Summary of macro environment analysis The macro environment analysis is relevant to the long-term strategic thinking which focus on the factors in the wider environment, those factors include economic, political, social, demographic, international, sustainability and technological. The purpose of the macro-environment analysis is to summarize the complex and uncertain information in particular the company impact by macro-environment to figure out the demand for products and service in the market. Determining the macro-environment is the way that firms in an industry produce and distribute their outputs, and the way in which organizations are able to compete with one another (Hubbard, Rice Beamish 2008 p. 76). In addition, macro-environment analysis is also able to distribute the product and service and establish the trends for the future development of the industry (Haberberg and Rieple 2008, p.105). Those factors concerned have been analyzed in appendix 1, also including the determent of effects on the industry growth (positive or negative). 2.1 Economic factor By viewing the analyzed contents in appendix 1, overall information analyzed  has been demonstrated that the current economic situation for the video games industry is definitely seems to be worse because of the economic recession worldwide. The trend of the purchasing power for video games console seems to be downwards by recent years because of the decrease of people’s disposable income. Furthermore, generally considering the reasonable inflation of raw material and hardware accessories is getting higher and higher, which may result to the cost for consoles is increasing. 2.2 Political/legal factor â€Å"Political factors define the legal and regulatory parameters within which firms must operate (Pearce Robinson 2009, p.97). These affect the business and its managers to a great extent. As the political factors analyzed in contents of appendix 1, it is expected to have a negative effect on future industry growth. For instance in China, the government has issued the regulation on video and online games, which has limitation for playing by 4 hours per day which people who under 18. People must make a registration via internet by updating their identification card number, real names and address who under 18. Considering most of the customers with video games are 17 to 33, this regulation may have negative impacts on the video games industry. Additionally, the government also issued the violence restriction in the video games market, which classifies the violence level to the games, in order to protect the children to avoid aggression and violence. However, as the fact that, according to the evidence showed by Dietz (1998, p.425), nearly 80% of the video games includes aggression or violence as part of the strategy or object. While 27% of the games contained socially acceptable aggression, nearly half included violence directed specifically at others and 21% depicted violence directed at women. According to the establishment showed as above, most video games contains huge amount of aggression and violence contents, the government regulation should have negative impact on video games industry growth beyond reasonable concerns of mental protection for children. 2.3 Social/cultural factor As this part of factors impact by social and cultural, this part probably does not have too much impacts whether positive or negative on industry  growth. Accomplishing with the globalization over the world, video games are hot and popular in current stage of period in development. Focusing on this circumstance, the video game industry tends to design the games with cultural diversity and culture preference. For instance by Xbox 360, has designed some games which suitable for some countries under preference, such as some sports games like NFL in US, AFL in Australia. Furthermore, Sony also designed a game ‘Dynasty Warriors’, which describes a real history in ancient China, a dynasty with disorder. Moreover, some cultural factor by religion difference must be also concerned for the industry growth. Actually in some countries, such as some mid-east countries, the violence games are banned under religion efforts. 2.4 Demographic factor By reviewing this part of analysis, the demographic factor should be considered with population, gender and age, and indeed have positive effect on the industry growth. The video game industry is now attempting to look for their ‘new’ players belonged. The industry has been designed more different types of games which suitable for women and even the elder. The trend of impact by demographic factor is rapidly increasing by recent years in particular with the demand by women and the elder for video games. As the fact that has been mentioned before, the most video game consumers is 18-44, now, the new strategy for broadening the consumer base is now expected and being concerned by the video game industry. This may contribute to increase the population by playing video games, which may result to increase the sales of consoles. In fact, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony have also focused on difference breakdown by gender and age, which means that to make the games be varied and mu lti-suitable for people. 2.5 International factor Globalization has been contributed to the success for video game industry, which breakdown the trade barriers between countries. In fact, according to Consalvo (2006), the video game industry and culture can be recognized in the transnational corporations that contribute to its formation and development, which contribute to the cultural exchange between countries. This also advantages to the video games industry which has positive effects  on industry growth because the games may become more acceptable for the people who under different cultural background. 2.6 Sustainability factor This factor is considering the sustainability of the video game industry in future. In fact, the video game entertainment absolutely has many substitutes. Therefore, the trend for the industry development maybe seems to downward in future depend on the changing and unpredictable people’s favors. People have rights to select their own favors to entertain as they want, such as sports, karaoke, twitter, and facebook. Moreover, the current video game market situation is likely to be saturated, which Grand (2010, p.687) states that, almost 40% of the US households have their own consoles, which means that the industry must spend huge amount of money to renew the consoles annually to keep their products be competitive and preferable in order to make the console be ‘sustainable’. 2.7 Technological factor Technology is the most significant factor which must be considered by the video games industry. From the evaluation by the appendix 1, the industry growth displayed an overall negative effort on the video game industry. In fact, a console generation renewing must spend nearly a decade period from structuring to publishing, which spend too much time and money to renew. Despite the huge cost and longtime preparing on console renewing, even the games titles also must be spend a lot of time. Actually, according to the study by Grant, (2010, p685) there are some evidences to show that a new title game which from designing to publishing, approximately taking 18-36 months to complete based on a new platform. Comparing with the ‘big 3’ in this case, they have their own advantaged areas in technology development. For instance, PS3 has Blu-ray DVD strategy on their consoles, which have fantastic game’s feature, Xbox 360’s positioning eschewed technology in favor of versatility, design and hardware’s multifunctionality, Wii even lacked the advanced features of either the Xbox 360 or PS3, but its remote wand-like controller is innovative and easy learning, which can concludes that overall the advantaged area by the ‘big 3’, is based on the technology support, which means that the technology factor is quite significant to the  video game industry. Therefore, the trend of impacting power by technology is increasing. 3. Summary of industry environment analysis Michael Porter claims that the five competitive forces influence the state of competition in any industry, and collectively determine the profit potential of the industry as whole (Hubbard, Rice Beamish 2008). The purpose of the industry analysis is to determine the ultimate profit potential in the industry, where profit potential is measured in terms of long-run return on invested capital. 3.1 Threats of new entrants There are some sufficient evidences which demonstrate that the threats of new entrants are extremely low. In fact, the video games industry is dominated by the ‘big 3’ in this current stage of period. PS3, Microsoft and Nintendo have their own loyalty with the brand, which ensures the consumers’ confidence on their product. On the contrary, the new entrants do not have such brand loyalty as the ‘big 3’ does. Consumers maybe have less confidence rather than PS3 or Xbox 360 on the product quality. In addition, the ‘big 3’ has incomparable advantages, which leading in technology and experience on software development. Furthermore, the capital of equipment and technology cost huge amount of money, the ‘big 3’ have their own experienced and professional designing team for innovation and technological development. New entrants are difficult to maintain and develop their business unless sufficient finance supports. 3.2 Bargaining power of suppliers The overall impact raking for bargaining power by the suppliers is high, based on the appendix 2 bargaining power of suppliers’ analysis. In fact, the supplier also called publisher is few and monopoly in the video game market, which result to the profitability with the supplier. The publishers are responsible for financing, manufacturing, marketing and distributing video games. Grant (2010, p.688) also states that video game publishing is increasingly dominated by a few companies, such as electronic Arts, Konami, take-two Interactive and Activision. This may contribute to the suppliers  have more powerful bargaining power to the industry. In addition, the supplier has low switching cost in the market. 3.3 Bargaining power of buyers The consumers have low switching cost on the products, which depends on the product’s quality, price and product preference by the consumers. Moreover, the video game industry must also be aware the other entertainment, which have possibility to substitutes the video game industry. Furthermore, the buyer profitability factor is considering with the buyers’ disposable income, if the income is high, the bargaining power by the consumers is high, otherwise is low. As the fact that, the current situation for the economy is worse and unemployment rate is getting higher, thus the buyers are seem to be unprofitable, indeed the bargaining power for buyers is low. 3.4 Power of substitutes The power of substitutes is strong, which displayed by the competition between PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. The ‘big 3’ companies have dominated the video game market and attempt to gain competitive advantages via using their innovative ideas and technology. The most important factor considered by the consumers is the products’ price and quality, focusing on this concern, the Wii may win in the market by sales because of the cheaper price of consoles. However, it not means that the Wii can substitute either Xbox 360 or PS3. Actually, the key assessment for winning in video games market is to catch the consumers’ propensity. Furthermore, despite the internal competition by the industry, also the other entertainments have possibilities to substitute the video game industry. Thus, it is difficult to predict the video game whether may be substituted in the future. 3.5 Intensity of industry rivals It is absolutely high barriers to exit in the video games industry, unlike the PC games industry. According to the study by Williams (2002, p46), which states that PC games manufacturing fees are significantly lower versus console games, because PC games need only CD duplications, a jewel box, instructions and a box, typically $2-3 total per unit. However, comparing with the PC games industry, console development requires ‘development kit’  typically costing $10 to $20 thousand. In addition, Grant (2010, p688) also mentions that the huge cost by video games development is result of the demand for multi-featured, which contribute to the significant cost on technological talents hiring, equipment cost and advertising. Thus, video games industry must be high barriers to exit because of the significant cost efforts. 4. Interconnections between macro-environment analysis and industry environment analysis Reviewed to the above macro-environment analysis and industry environment analysis, there are some interconnections between them, which are sustainability factor, related to the presence of substitute inputs. This highlight must be considered by the video game industry, because the preview of sustainability to the industry development is quite important. The key assessment for the industry development is to keep their products ‘un-substituted’ and competitive. Therefore, the industry must focus on the innovation and technological development by their games and console in order to keep the video game ‘long-being’ for the future. 5. Recommendation Technology and innovation play a main role in the video games industry. The video game industry is so profitable that many new entrants may want to enter the industry. However, the industry looks like ‘unhealthy’ because PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii have dominated the industry for a decade. Furthermore, the current economic situation is still on recession, and may last a few years. This may contribute the cost of consoles increase, and decrease the sales of consoles result by the people’s income decrease. Actually, it is hard to preview the future of video game development, but, by now, the video game market has saturated, even the technology and innovation is good. Form the figures evaluated by Flacy (2011), the video game sales over July dropped over 25 percent year over year and have fallen to the lowest levels since 2006. Total sales in July 2011 amounted to $707 million while sales just a year ago in July 2010 topped $960 million. The reasons for the decline by sales should be varied, as mentioned before, which causing by the economic recession and market saturation. Moreover, the people’s favors may  also change; video game playing is not the only way for people to entertain because people can entertain by the other ways. Thus, the video game industry development is getting tough and unpredictable for the future, even the recession has over. Appendix 1 – details of macro-environment analysis Environment factor| Comment| Effect on industry growth| Economic factor| | |  global finance crisis| Widely impact on the manufacturing industry| negative| inflation| price of raw material and console accessories increased, result to the cost increase| negative| Economic recession| People’s disposable income decreasedreducing purchasing power| negative| Overall: negative| Political/legal factor| | | Government issue for video game violence| Legislation for classifying the amount of violence under age. | negative| Regulation for playing limitation| Time limitation for playing under 18 | negative| Overall: negative| Social/cultural factor| | | Multiculturalism| Different cultural background’s people may have different type of favors on video games| Positive| Religion| Some violence games is restricted by some countries under religion efforts| Negative| Overall: medium| Demographic factor| | | Population numbers| Attracting more ‘new’ consumers possibly. Attracting more customers means increasing sales.| positive| Gender difference breakdown| Designing more games which suitable for women playing, make the games be varied.| positive| Age difference breakdown| Video game is not only designed for 18-33, which could possibly consider to attract some aging player| Positive| Overall: positive| International factor| | | Globalization| Reducing the trade barriers for games imports and exports| positive| Overall: positive| Sustainability factor| | | Substitution by other entertainments| More and more entertainments can substitutes the video games, such as sports, karaoke, twitter, facebook etc.| negative| Strikes by online games| Computer games are seemed more popular and preferable.| Negative| Market saturation| More and more rivals tend to enter the video games market to gain advantages.| Negative| Overall: negative| Technological factor| | | Lack by renewing generation| Console generation needs to spend a lot of time and money for generation renewing| negative| Long time for designing a new title game| Taking 18-36 months to complete a new title based on a new platform | negative| Console generation (PS3)| Fantastic games’ feature (HD) based on Blu-ray drive technology.| Positive| Console generation (Xbox 360)| Large amount of titles by games, multifunctionality based on high-technology support.| Positive| Console generation (Wii)| Easy to control, hand movement based on their innovative ideas and technology. | Positive| Overall: positive| Appendix 2 details of industry environment analysis Items| Issue analysis| Impact ranking: extremely low, low, medium, high extremely high.| Threats of new entrants | | | Product differentiation| If a company wants to survive even win in the competitive market, a unique product with considerable difference must be offered. Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 has achieved this as well| Extremely high| Brand loyalty| Company must have their own brand loyalty which can prevent new entrants from making their way into the market. Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 have extremely great loyalty with their brand.| Extremely high| Economic of scales| Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 have large sales on their product every year. It is tough for new entrants to have such huge finances to fund | Medium| Capital equipment and technology development| Wii, Xbox 360 and  PS3 have their own experienced and professional designing team for innovation and technological development. New entrants are hard to maintain their business unless sufficient finance supports.| High| Government policy| Many industries are either owned or regulated by the government, causing barriers for entry.| high| Overall: extremel y high | Bargaining power of suppliers| | | Switching cost of suppliers| The switching cost of suppliers is low| Medium| Supplier concentration| The supplier will have strong bargaining power if there are only a small number of suppliers. (monopoly) There are some publishers for the video game industry (electronic Arts, Konami, take-two Interactive, Activision etc.)| high| Information about suppliers’ product| The suppliers should be aware their product (consoles, software and title games), as these suppliers have minimal competition, they hold strong power and influence.| Low| Supplier profitability| Suppliers are able to bargain because there are few rivals and highly profitable nature. | Extremely high| Overall: medium| Bargaining power of buyers| | | Switching costs of buyers: | Switching costs of buyers is low; the power of buyers will be high. Buyer can easily switch to a rival product, which depends on the products’ quality and price and there are almost no switching costs for customers| Extremely high| Buyer concentration: | The number of buyers is related to whole industry. Massive numbers of buyers on video game industry. | Medium| Presence of substitute inputs: | The ‘big 3’ is not just competing against with each other, they are also competing against other entertainment, such as online games and twitterThere are lots of substitute are present to convert the buyer| Extremely high| Buyer profitability| If the buyers are unprofitable, they are unable to bargain.Since economic decrease and high levels of unemployment, people will be entertaining less.| High| Overall: high| Power of substitutes| | | Relative price/quality of substitutes| Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 although have their own specialties and advantages in different areas, but substitution is  also available and possible. It depends on price and quality of the console.| Extremely high| Buy propensity to substitutes| Video games market is huge, customers tend to be varied. The key assessment for winning in video games market is to catch the consumers’ propensity. Develop their own advantaged area, and create a new strategic to attract the new customers.| Extremely high| Switching cost| The ease of buyers switching products.It is very simple for the customers to switch to a different product as it cost them less and with similar experience.| High| Overall: extremely high| Intensity of industry rivals| | | Industry growth rate| Growing rapidly in recent years, but grow slowly now because of the economic recession. However, the trend is positively growing.| Extremely high| Exit barriers| Significant exits costs because the capital to enter the industry is so high (including technological talents hiring, equipment cost and advertising) and spends too much time for preparing. | Extremely high| Overall: extremely high| References Consalvo, M 2006, ‘Console video games and global corporations Creating a hybrid culture’ viewed 28 August 2011 Dietz, T, 1998, ‘An Examination of Violence and Gender Role Portrayals in Video Games: Implications for Gender Socialization and Aggressive Behavior’ Volume 38, No. 5-6, p425-442 Flacy, M, 2011, ‘NPD: Video game sales in July fall to the lowest level in five years’ viewed 29 August 2011 Grant, R.M., 2010, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Sussex. Wiley p.680-691 Hubbard, G, Rice, J Beamish, P, 2008, Strategic Management: Thinking, analysis and Action, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, Australia. Haberberg, A, Rieple, A 2008, Strategic Management: Theory and Application, Oxford University Press, NY. Pearce, JA 2009, Formulation, implementation, and control of competitive strategy, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill, America, New York. Williams, D, 2002, ‘Structure and Competition in the U.S. Home Video Game Industry’ the International Journal on Media Management Vol. 4, No. 1, p.41 – 54

Monday, October 14, 2019

Designing and Implementing E-procurement

Designing and Implementing E-procurement CHAPTER ONE: Background Study Overview The project is designing and implementing e-procurement on business-to-business transactions, it first identifies current procurement process and explores how to implement procurement that involves mainstay drivers and problems of e-procurement system usage and investigate the effect on the performance of the Ministry in terms of e-government and transparency in the Federal Ministry of Science and technology. The solution essentially involves in creating all the requirement details/ specs, of a tender to be floated electronically, in parameterized form; so that subsequent evaluation comparative chart preparation exercises could be automated to a large extent. The term procurement can be referred to as the buying of tangible and intangible merchandise for organizations which can be executed through agency or company. Procurement is not an event. It is a process and signifies a continuing relationship between the government and its suppliers. Procurements are always taken as an important task in the government environment and always handled in a strictly secured and controlled manner (Dunleavy, 1994). According to Nwokak, et al. (2007) procurement is also one of the sectors that remains insulated against any process improvements. At the moment, it is been recognized world over, that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can eliminate the existing bureaucratic problems and make the governments performance more resourceful, easily reached and clear as crystal, besides being cost-effective. The procurement process in the Ministry of science and technology ( a complex process that starts and ends in a cycle. Procurement cycle starts from Raising of the requirements for an item or a service and ends only after settlement of supplier payments as shown in the diagram below. The Concept of E-Procurement Electronic Procurement can describe as purchasing order that release a communication over the internet through authorized internet seller catalogue. E-procurement is the electronic purchase of goods and services for an organization; Turban et al. (2006) from an easy phrase, electronic purchase can be described as procedure to purchase tangible and intangible merchandise by the use of internet for a company or institution. For example, within Nigeria, the majority of companies in the petroleum Industries, United Parcel Service, Plc.(Ups) Federal Express Plc (Fedex), communication industries etc are some of the few organizations that practice e-procurement in material purchase (Nwokak et al, 2009). The reason is so, because the industries have advanced and developed their technology usage of e-procurement keeping up with the changes in the business environment as it pertains to information and technology. Furthermore, electronic procurement or merchant trade is the business-to-consumer (B2C) or company-to-company (C2C) acquisition as well as trade of tangible and intangible goods by electronic means and various information and network system, like the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) (Nwokak et al, 2009). Electronic procurement systems permit competent and valid user to search for buyer or seller of tangible as well as intangible merchandise. No matter which method, buyer or seller may as well state the outlay and request for bidding. Dealings can then be welcomed. Other Concepts in E-procurement Reverse Auction The traditional auction is a Forward Auction. It is a process through which a seller offers an item for auction, and prospective buyer competes with one another other for acquisition. By doing this, the price continue to move up upon the time nobody will be able to go up further. In the reverse auction, several dealers of a product vie for the trade of one single purchaser. In such a way the price moves downward. There are 3-4 flavours of reverse auction, called as: English Auction, Dutch auction, Sealed Bid Auction etc. How it works There is no contact or conciliation with the bidders during the auction. The Buyer also watches the progress of bidding from his office. Identities if bidders are available to him. In reverse auction competition is high; bidders get tempted to bid lower and lower to clinch the deal, until they are unwilling to go any further. At the conclusion the lowest bidder emerges as winner of the auction. Benefits To Buyers: Significant reduction in cost due to Dynamic Bidding process. Inefficiencies in the supply chain reduce. With real time competition, suppliers are on their toes It is an effective way of measuring and assessing price discovery and making the negotiation process an easy effort. Often used along with Tendering. To Vendors: Ensures Savings in marketing cost / distributor margins Facilitates flexibility in pricing decision. Transparency increases Allows vendors to assess their pricing power from close quarters of competition. E-payment Commonly available modes for effecting EMD/ Fee/ other payments electronically, from within a software Application, are: Online payment through Credit cards/ Debit cards or Direct Account Debit (using Gateway for Internet Banking) Depending on the actual need and usage constraints, the appropriate mode could be chosen and integrated into the s/w application. Credit cards could conveniently be integrated for use if the payment amounts involved are not substantial. For all other cases where payment amounts could be heavy, payments through Direct Debits from concerned accounts, using Internet Banking is the only alternative. Scope of E-procurement solution to the Ministry Purchasing of all kinds of goods and services, works etc. Types of Tenders Open, Limited, Expression of Interest Hybrid Mode of Operation Electronic and Paper Based Bid Submission (Initial Stages of Implementation) Mode of Payments (Tender Fee, EMD) e-Payment, as well as Conventional Payment Modes (DD etc.) The Importance of Procurement The purchasing of merchandise, works, and services has a main effect on the efficient execution of an assignment. To a great degree the quality, cost, and judicious achievement of a task determined on the supervision and managing of purchase of materials needed. Use of articulated policy and practice, considered by unbiased, just, and transparent measures, is vital, not only to create reliable and steady market that will be capable to catch the fancy of competent contractor and supplier, but also to uphold the paradigm of accountability and the cost-efficient use of civic treasury. The importance of procurement in delivering key aims and mission of the ministry, and as a result the procurement of merchandise, facility and services is of strategic significance to the Ministry: It has an undeviating force on the Ministrys general overheads, and price of service prerequisite to public. Can have direct effect with delivery of its services by Ministrys. Can have direct effect on the accomplishment of business, department and service mission. It provide the system to deliver key plan objective, together with sustainability, corporate work environment, egalitarianism and cost-effective improvement. It operate in multifaceted dog matic structure that should be followed. Benefits of E-Procurement to Ministry of Science and Technology. For years, improvement to purchase has been attempted, frequently by means of information technology. The concrete opportunity for development today lies in the use of e-procurement, the electronic process of obtaining goods and services for an organization Nwokak et al, (2009). They further to ascertain that by automation and reformation the thorough and arduous routine of obtain task, purchase professional will have the opportunity to pay more attention, on other tactical purchase, in order to achieve these set of objectives: Growing the efficiency of purchase agent (by giving enough period as well as decreasing the work stress) Reducing the procure price by merchandise homogeny reverse auctions, quantity price cut, and also through purchase consolidation. Getting better information stream and organization (for example supplier information and price). Reducing or elimination of the purchase through unqualified vendors, in that way eliminating nonconformist buying. Getting better the disbursement procedures and savings due to expedite disbursement (for seller) Ensure just in time delivery always Slash order-fulfilment and handling period through the use of computerization Reduce skill as well as instruction need of purchase agent. Reduce numeral figure of supplier Reformation of purchase procedure, creating it easy, better and speedy (may involve authorize) Requests to carry out purchase on their desktop, bypassing purchasing unit. Reformation of account statements and difference of opinion decision Reduce organizational handing out expenditure for each bid a s to a great extent of 90% Getting fresh supplier and vendor that will be able to provide goods and services quicker and more so, More cost effective due to better sourcing. Integrate budgetary measures in purchase procedure. Reduction or elimination of individual error in trade or transport procedure Monitor as well as regulate exchange activities. The various benefits are listed below Transactional Benefits Electronic purchase enable purchaser to process transaction through internet. For instance, an internet-base transacts means through which things can be chosen mostly from an identified catalogues and submit for authorization. The device can be connected in same direction of the backside part of ERP structure for access, imbursement of invoice, and arrangement of organization information. Electronic procedures (together with computerization of p-card purchase) lead to immense period saving as well as effectiveness owing to: universal, computerized process incorporate finest tradition as well as eliminate needless actions; electronic processing enable affiliation with supplier, which speed purchase phase period and facilitate contractor feat improvement; and better data correctness, which minimize order in accuracy as well as provide the necessary base for enhanced supervision from side to side control and scrutiny. Compliance Benefits A lot of instances in a company, conformity and unconventional expenditure is an important problem not for the reason that workers intentionally procure outside of favoured arrangements, but to a certain extent through be short of knowledge. Electronic purchases address this from side to side apparatus such as catalogues and benchmark order procedures and authorized process. Conformity will be achieved owing to: easy and speedy request-to-pay procedure together with a easy to use interface and pre-source catalogues modified to the needs of different client; easy and speedy tactical source procedure with benchmark purchase process and apparatus, without difficulty accessing information Electronic purchase structure, the only purchase method obtainable. Management Information Benefit This statement analyze the important of datas cost centre, commodity codes, etc. is hard coded in opposition to the user significantly reduce code error and provide extremely exhaustive as well as effortlessly available data. This is very important information to make the rule of the monetary revenue of tactical source. A successful e-procurement performance will give high value, complete management information and will reverse the need for data warehousing or resource heavy data mining, by David Eakin (2002). The capability to display to your supplier that you are using e-procurement as an apparatus to make sure final user do respect their union significance will augment ability to bargain along the prices through: Better improved capture and as a result, trustworthiness of expenditure information; and Better assurance that costs volume can be assured from better conformity with the structure, hence allow degree price breaks and discount to achieve. These include the capacity to improve management of business cash flow as well as control the proficient imbursement of supplier because of the further rationalized procurement procedures giving additional suitable and precise information to the accounts payable department. Possible benefit includes limited staff a hard benefit only if improvement can bring about head count decrease) and brings down expenditure on postages as well as stationeries. Throughout negotiations the procurement manager can further credibly guarantee the supplier a level of prompt payment, which was not possible prior to e-procurement. David Eakin (2002). However, the electronic invoice benefit is frequently unexamined and uncared for. Reduction in Procurement Contracts cycle time Cost Reduction Efficient streamlined Procurement Processes New Supplier Discovery Close Monitoring of Activities/ Vendor Performance Rich MIS and Analytics New Improved Image Standardized formats and Uniform tendering practices Increased visibility/ Less artificial barriers Increased business opportunities, Greater degree of transparency Cycle time reduction in participation and award of Contract Supplier Enablement and Ease of Participation For high-value items, purchasing personal in the Ministry spends most of their work period on procurement activities. These functions involve developing relationship with considered supplier, negotiating prices as well as terms, qualifying supplier, and bringing out suppliers certification as well as evaluation. When buyer is occupied in the midst of information of lesser things (especially MROs), they have less period to adequately engage in the purchase of the high value item. Other problems can happen in traditional purchase. These include delay in paying a lot for hasten order. Purchase inadequacy is nonconformist exchange, (impromptu procurements of merchandise needed hurriedly, unintentionally at non-pre-negotiated soaring price. The conventional purchase procedure, as discuss over, is therefore ineffective. In other to avoid a repeat of this event, the ministry needs to re-engineer the process of purchasing, by carrying out of new purchasing models in general, through the int roduction of electronic purchase. From this stage, we shall gaze at what e-procurement means in B2B market. The issues are summarized below: Lack of a general Public Procurement Policy. Nigeria lack up to date regulation on Public Procurement and enduring supervision and supervise purchase entity. Transparency in Procurement Act, The finance Control and Management Act, 1958, jointly with Financial policy which sets basic regulations for managing public expenses have gap, deficiency as well as defective execution of existing set of laws on procurement (for example, inadequate in the arrangement for controlling and supervision) which make opportunity for unethical behaviour. Lack of model bidding documents and contract documents -because of inflations, inadequate and regularly adjustment to threshold of the favourable limit of the Tenders Board, their approval were regularly gnarled consequential in abuse, top amongst include is split of contract. Complicated procedures for approvals, bidding and payments. There is a large number of tenders board that are alleged by the private sector as a source of delay as well as non intelligibility. Furthermore, those tenders board appear to encompass inadequate mandate amid power to choose contracted faction active through the permanent Secretary as well as Minister/ Commissioner. Inadequate skilled resources. There is no centralized system of registration of suppliers. Delays in making payments to suppliers whos Procurement are sometimes executed through staffs that substantially lack the required experience. E-government procurement is the collaborative purchase of tangible and intangible merchandise by the civic division using electronic methods at every stage ensuring transparency and efficiency. Ideally, it covers the full life cycle of procurement. The intention is to automate, possibly, the whole purchasing processes, along with tender offer submission as well as payment from supplier; in an automated computerized concurrent situation .E-procurement could resolve many of the constraints/ delays of traditional procurement. In David Eakin (2002).Summary, e-Procurement is the business-to-business buying and selling of supplies and services online. The e-procurement helps both the buyers and the suppliers to decrease the cycle time, needless paper work, waiting in long queues and at the same time maintain the simplicity in the entire process. David Eakin, (February, 2003). Which are to:- Reduce cycle times of procurement Increase supplier access to ensure wider participation Reduce costs of procurement through competitive bidding and Reverse Auctioning Remove cartelisation by supplier groups (Reverse Auctioning) enhance transparency in the procurement procedure Almost complete elimination of paperwork, for speedy and efficient functioning Inefficient function In the Ministry is because of: Lack of a general civic procurement policy Lack of consistency in enforcing procurement practice procedures Low competence labour-intensive process call for of intelligibility in procurement leading to fraud pilferage of the treasury unethical practice by suppliers Cartel creation Influence selection by bribing unit personnel Advances in electronic procurement by the use of safe internet-enabled means have not being used in an extensive method Approach to a Procurement Solution Before looking for an e-Procurement solution, a relook on existing procurement procedures/ practices is essential: As Is Analysis, Re-engineering for optimized processes Optimization/ reduction in process-flow steps Uniformity/ standardization in formats/ practices/ procedures Organization wide use of unified item-codification structure Automation of Processes Critical Determinants of a procurement Solution Good authentication Role based access Security, Secrecy (of bids) Signing, Encryption Ease of Use, Tender Templates, e-Payment integration etc. Integrated Document Management features, Good Analytics Good Audit trail/ traceability features Access for Financial Audit, Legal and RTI needs Good Archival Retrieval features/ policy Safe and secure Probing for seller so as to get and contrast supplier and product occasionally can be in reality awfully time-consuming and expensive. Most Ministries as a way out invite sellers to fulfill orders and create market place. Procurement is used to refer to the purchase of goods and services for an organization, (Martin et. al., 2001). Federal Ministry of Science and Technology (FMST) are among of the important parastatals of the Federal Government. The major term of office is providing access to technology for the Majority of Nigerian Populace. The ministry is made up of 8 (eight) departments. The Department of Administration and Supply within the Ministry is responsible for: Planning, management and entirely documenting the procedure to purchase both tangible and intangible merchandise. use of active Continuing Service Agreement for products to attain program needs; management, soliciting and contract award procedures is done prudently and unprejudiced method that is fair and treat every potential vendor and bidder; ensures that contract for good, service as well as building is planned to offer the most excellent value to government; ensures that every ministry acquisition and disposal is unswerving with guidelines, appropriate legislature as well as trade agreement; Declare products excess as soon as their utilization to the ministry has finished. The department is therefore responsible for procurement of goods and services in the Ministry. The Nature and Scope of E-Procurement According to Nwokak et al, (2009) different methods are employed to procure goods and services by companies depending on what and where they buy, the quantities needed, how much money is involved, and more. They further mentioned some important procurements method to comprise the listed below: To buy from an internal buyers catalogue in which company-approved vendors catalogues, including agreed upon prices, are aggregated. This approach is used for the implementation of desktop purchasing, which allows the requisitions to order directly from vendors, bypassing the procurement department. Buy directly from manufacturers, wholesalers, or retailers from their catalogues and possibly by negotiation. Frequently, a contract implements such a purchase. Buy from the catalogue of an intermediary (e-distributor) that aggregates sellers catalogues. Conduct biding or tendering (a reverse auction) in a system in which suppliers compete against each other. This method is used for large-ticket items or large quantities. To buy at private or public auction sites in which the organization participates as one of the buyers. Collaborate with suppliers to share information about sales and inventory, as to reduce inventory and stock -outs and enhance just-in-time delivery (Turban et al 2006). Join a group-purchasing system that aggregates participants demand, creating a large volume. Then, the group may negotiate prices or initiate a tendering process. The Procurement Process Procurement cycle starts from Raising of the requirements for an item or a service and ends only after settlement of supplier payments. By Category of Goods Services Goods Services Civil Contracts By Nature of Procurement Tenders Rate Contract Catalogue Buying Auctions, Reverse Auctions By Size / Volume of procurement High Values, low volumes Low values, High Volumes By Portfolio of services needed Requisition, Bid Process Evaluation, Award, PO Supply, Quality check, Inventory Management Payment, Accounting, Audit MIS, EIS The traditional procurement process has been widely criticized as an ineffective procurement method because it often involves time and cost overrun (Dunleavy, 1994). Yet the method is still being widely used in Nigeria most especially for the procurement in Ministry of Science and technology. Inefficiencies in Traditional Procurement Management According to Nwokak et al (2009) precisely 80% of organizations purchase item, especially for Maintenances, Repairs as well as Operating items (MROs), constitutes 20- 25 percent of the total purchasing values. Furthermore, Nwokak; OzuruUgoji (2009) affirmed that a portion of corporate buyers time is spent on non-value-added activities such data entry, correcting errors in paper work, expediting delivery or solving quality problems. For high-value items, purchasing personal spend a great deal of time and effort on procurement activities. These activities include qualifying suppliers, negotiating prices and terms, building rapport with strategic suppliers, as well as carrying out supplier evaluation and certification (Nwokak et al, 2009). If buyers are busy with details of the smaller items (usually MROs), they do not have enough time to properly deal with the purchase of the high -value items. Other inefficiencies also may occur in conventional procurement. These range from delays to paying too much for rush orders. Procurement inefficiency is maverick buying, (unplanned purchase of items needed quickly, often at non-pre-negotiated high prices. The traditional procurement process, as discussed above, often is therefore inefficient (Mills, 1996). In order to correct this situation, the ministry needs to reengineer their procurement systems, implementation of new purchasing models and in particular, introduce e-procurement. At this juncture, we will look at what e-procurement is in a B2B marketplace. Issues in Ministry Procurement Lack of a common Public Procurement Policy: Nigeria lacks a modern law on Public Procurement and Permanent oversight and monitor purchasing entities. Lack of model bidding documents and contract documents -due to inflation and lack of regular adjustments on the thresholds of the approving limits of the Tender Boards, their authorization were constantly being eroded resulting in abuses, prominent among which is splitting of contracts. Complicated procedures for bidding, approvals and payments. That there was proliferation of tender boards which were perceived by the private sector as sources of delays and non transparency. In addition, these tender boards appeared to have limited mandates with powers to decide contracts de facto resting with the permanent Secretary and the Minister/ Commissioner. Lack of skilled resources. No centralized system of registration of suppliers. Delays in making payments to suppliers that Procurement is often carried out by staff who substantially lack relevant training. Conclusion Not until June 2008 was the procurement bill recently signed into law, previously there was no Federal or state law governing the practice of public procurement in Nigeria. With the advent of the new law, a number of challenges with regards to transparency, accountability and good governance in the area of contracts and procurement of supplies and services by government. In Nigeria it is pertinent to note that e-procurement is not prominently featured in law, this project sets out to make e-procurement prominently featured. With the advent of digital technology and globalisation, Nigeria as a third world country needs to be aware of the challenges and opportunities with regards to the e-procurement process. Furthermore, this project seeks to classify the meaning as well as the benefits of the E-procurement process in Nigeria. This project will also highlight the challenges in transforming Nigeria into a transparent and corrupt-free business environment and also ways of overcoming the challenges of adopting e-procurement in Nigeria. (E-Public Procurement in Nigeria: Some Lessons from EU, 2009) Investigation of Security Issues Security E-procurement platform transacts confidential procurement data and is exposed to several security threats. Agencies world over face threats to their online e-procurement and usually desist from sending sensitive information over the Internet for security reasons. The growing number of cyber crimes has added doubts regarding the reliability of the Internet. Security measures such as authentication and encryption are therefore employed while passing sensitive information between companies. Another major issue concerning e-procurement is the type of goods that are procured through the online medium. Companies usually prefer to source smaller, inexpensive goods such as office stationery (Miller, 2006). Larger complex orders that usually take weeks or months for negotiation are done in the traditional manner but this can be addressed by employing a combination of security features and security best practices which result in reduced threat of data loss, leakage or manipulation. Security and secrecy of tender data is of paramount importance as the portal handles sensitive procurement transactions of departments and has foreseen the security concerns. Security mechanisms provide a secure communication interface, mainly for the exchange of documents between procurement authorities and Economic Operators. Standards constituting adequate and acceptable security need to be provided for the implementation of services during each stage of the procurement process. Importance of Security in e-procurement Security is one of the major factors restricting the growth of e-procurement. Without proper security measures this could lead to the loss or corruption of sensitive information on e-procurement. Security breach could also lead to fraud and financial loss, also includes misappropriation of funds and revealing of sensitive information (The Economist, 1995). This project outlines various security issues faced by e-procurement in Nigeria and possible solutions that can be implemented to reduce such risk. (NATIONAL E-PROCUREMENT PROJECT SUPPLEMENTARY GUIDANCE NOTES, 2004) The major objectives measured for the creation of a safe environment include the following: Verification: guarantees that the service is only available to users with a confirmed identity. Agreement: guarantees that authenticated users can only contact services or data matching their task and access rights. Confidentiality: guarantees that the data exchanged between the person requesting it and the provider cannot be intercepted or accessed by a third non-authorised party. honesty: guarantees that data exchanged among the person requesting it and the contributor has not been tampered with by a third non-authorised party. Non repudiation: guarantees that the sender of the message cannot reject, at a shortly point in time, that he/she sent it. Accordingly, following stringent security measures are already implemented in the system to ensure that transactions on e-procurement portal happen in the most secured manner: Physical security of Data Centre. Entry to the Data centre is with Bio metric smart cards, round the clock CCTV monitoring and under strict personal supervision of Data Centre personnel. Web security through 128 bit Secured Socket Layer (SSL) Technology from client end to server for secured passage of data. Fire walls, intrusion detection system, online virus check, up to date antivirus system, online OS patches to prevent malicious attacks. Network monitoring system to monitor the service levels of the site. Sound back up methods for storing data. Comprehensive Audit Logs of all events that are taking place on the platform. Access controls, sharing of functions between system administrator and data base administrator Third party security audit of e-procurement system. M/s. PWC has conducted security audit in pilot phase (2003) and has expressed that security is unco Designing and Implementing E-procurement Designing and Implementing E-procurement CHAPTER ONE: Background Study Overview The project is designing and implementing e-procurement on business-to-business transactions, it first identifies current procurement process and explores how to implement procurement that involves mainstay drivers and problems of e-procurement system usage and investigate the effect on the performance of the Ministry in terms of e-government and transparency in the Federal Ministry of Science and technology. The solution essentially involves in creating all the requirement details/ specs, of a tender to be floated electronically, in parameterized form; so that subsequent evaluation comparative chart preparation exercises could be automated to a large extent. The term procurement can be referred to as the buying of tangible and intangible merchandise for organizations which can be executed through agency or company. Procurement is not an event. It is a process and signifies a continuing relationship between the government and its suppliers. Procurements are always taken as an important task in the government environment and always handled in a strictly secured and controlled manner (Dunleavy, 1994). According to Nwokak, et al. (2007) procurement is also one of the sectors that remains insulated against any process improvements. At the moment, it is been recognized world over, that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can eliminate the existing bureaucratic problems and make the governments performance more resourceful, easily reached and clear as crystal, besides being cost-effective. The procurement process in the Ministry of science and technology ( a complex process that starts and ends in a cycle. Procurement cycle starts from Raising of the requirements for an item or a service and ends only after settlement of supplier payments as shown in the diagram below. The Concept of E-Procurement Electronic Procurement can describe as purchasing order that release a communication over the internet through authorized internet seller catalogue. E-procurement is the electronic purchase of goods and services for an organization; Turban et al. (2006) from an easy phrase, electronic purchase can be described as procedure to purchase tangible and intangible merchandise by the use of internet for a company or institution. For example, within Nigeria, the majority of companies in the petroleum Industries, United Parcel Service, Plc.(Ups) Federal Express Plc (Fedex), communication industries etc are some of the few organizations that practice e-procurement in material purchase (Nwokak et al, 2009). The reason is so, because the industries have advanced and developed their technology usage of e-procurement keeping up with the changes in the business environment as it pertains to information and technology. Furthermore, electronic procurement or merchant trade is the business-to-consumer (B2C) or company-to-company (C2C) acquisition as well as trade of tangible and intangible goods by electronic means and various information and network system, like the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) (Nwokak et al, 2009). Electronic procurement systems permit competent and valid user to search for buyer or seller of tangible as well as intangible merchandise. No matter which method, buyer or seller may as well state the outlay and request for bidding. Dealings can then be welcomed. Other Concepts in E-procurement Reverse Auction The traditional auction is a Forward Auction. It is a process through which a seller offers an item for auction, and prospective buyer competes with one another other for acquisition. By doing this, the price continue to move up upon the time nobody will be able to go up further. In the reverse auction, several dealers of a product vie for the trade of one single purchaser. In such a way the price moves downward. There are 3-4 flavours of reverse auction, called as: English Auction, Dutch auction, Sealed Bid Auction etc. How it works There is no contact or conciliation with the bidders during the auction. The Buyer also watches the progress of bidding from his office. Identities if bidders are available to him. In reverse auction competition is high; bidders get tempted to bid lower and lower to clinch the deal, until they are unwilling to go any further. At the conclusion the lowest bidder emerges as winner of the auction. Benefits To Buyers: Significant reduction in cost due to Dynamic Bidding process. Inefficiencies in the supply chain reduce. With real time competition, suppliers are on their toes It is an effective way of measuring and assessing price discovery and making the negotiation process an easy effort. Often used along with Tendering. To Vendors: Ensures Savings in marketing cost / distributor margins Facilitates flexibility in pricing decision. Transparency increases Allows vendors to assess their pricing power from close quarters of competition. E-payment Commonly available modes for effecting EMD/ Fee/ other payments electronically, from within a software Application, are: Online payment through Credit cards/ Debit cards or Direct Account Debit (using Gateway for Internet Banking) Depending on the actual need and usage constraints, the appropriate mode could be chosen and integrated into the s/w application. Credit cards could conveniently be integrated for use if the payment amounts involved are not substantial. For all other cases where payment amounts could be heavy, payments through Direct Debits from concerned accounts, using Internet Banking is the only alternative. Scope of E-procurement solution to the Ministry Purchasing of all kinds of goods and services, works etc. Types of Tenders Open, Limited, Expression of Interest Hybrid Mode of Operation Electronic and Paper Based Bid Submission (Initial Stages of Implementation) Mode of Payments (Tender Fee, EMD) e-Payment, as well as Conventional Payment Modes (DD etc.) The Importance of Procurement The purchasing of merchandise, works, and services has a main effect on the efficient execution of an assignment. To a great degree the quality, cost, and judicious achievement of a task determined on the supervision and managing of purchase of materials needed. Use of articulated policy and practice, considered by unbiased, just, and transparent measures, is vital, not only to create reliable and steady market that will be capable to catch the fancy of competent contractor and supplier, but also to uphold the paradigm of accountability and the cost-efficient use of civic treasury. The importance of procurement in delivering key aims and mission of the ministry, and as a result the procurement of merchandise, facility and services is of strategic significance to the Ministry: It has an undeviating force on the Ministrys general overheads, and price of service prerequisite to public. Can have direct effect with delivery of its services by Ministrys. Can have direct effect on the accomplishment of business, department and service mission. It provide the system to deliver key plan objective, together with sustainability, corporate work environment, egalitarianism and cost-effective improvement. It operate in multifaceted dog matic structure that should be followed. Benefits of E-Procurement to Ministry of Science and Technology. For years, improvement to purchase has been attempted, frequently by means of information technology. The concrete opportunity for development today lies in the use of e-procurement, the electronic process of obtaining goods and services for an organization Nwokak et al, (2009). They further to ascertain that by automation and reformation the thorough and arduous routine of obtain task, purchase professional will have the opportunity to pay more attention, on other tactical purchase, in order to achieve these set of objectives: Growing the efficiency of purchase agent (by giving enough period as well as decreasing the work stress) Reducing the procure price by merchandise homogeny reverse auctions, quantity price cut, and also through purchase consolidation. Getting better information stream and organization (for example supplier information and price). Reducing or elimination of the purchase through unqualified vendors, in that way eliminating nonconformist buying. Getting better the disbursement procedures and savings due to expedite disbursement (for seller) Ensure just in time delivery always Slash order-fulfilment and handling period through the use of computerization Reduce skill as well as instruction need of purchase agent. Reduce numeral figure of supplier Reformation of purchase procedure, creating it easy, better and speedy (may involve authorize) Requests to carry out purchase on their desktop, bypassing purchasing unit. Reformation of account statements and difference of opinion decision Reduce organizational handing out expenditure for each bid a s to a great extent of 90% Getting fresh supplier and vendor that will be able to provide goods and services quicker and more so, More cost effective due to better sourcing. Integrate budgetary measures in purchase procedure. Reduction or elimination of individual error in trade or transport procedure Monitor as well as regulate exchange activities. The various benefits are listed below Transactional Benefits Electronic purchase enable purchaser to process transaction through internet. For instance, an internet-base transacts means through which things can be chosen mostly from an identified catalogues and submit for authorization. The device can be connected in same direction of the backside part of ERP structure for access, imbursement of invoice, and arrangement of organization information. Electronic procedures (together with computerization of p-card purchase) lead to immense period saving as well as effectiveness owing to: universal, computerized process incorporate finest tradition as well as eliminate needless actions; electronic processing enable affiliation with supplier, which speed purchase phase period and facilitate contractor feat improvement; and better data correctness, which minimize order in accuracy as well as provide the necessary base for enhanced supervision from side to side control and scrutiny. Compliance Benefits A lot of instances in a company, conformity and unconventional expenditure is an important problem not for the reason that workers intentionally procure outside of favoured arrangements, but to a certain extent through be short of knowledge. Electronic purchases address this from side to side apparatus such as catalogues and benchmark order procedures and authorized process. Conformity will be achieved owing to: easy and speedy request-to-pay procedure together with a easy to use interface and pre-source catalogues modified to the needs of different client; easy and speedy tactical source procedure with benchmark purchase process and apparatus, without difficulty accessing information Electronic purchase structure, the only purchase method obtainable. Management Information Benefit This statement analyze the important of datas cost centre, commodity codes, etc. is hard coded in opposition to the user significantly reduce code error and provide extremely exhaustive as well as effortlessly available data. This is very important information to make the rule of the monetary revenue of tactical source. A successful e-procurement performance will give high value, complete management information and will reverse the need for data warehousing or resource heavy data mining, by David Eakin (2002). The capability to display to your supplier that you are using e-procurement as an apparatus to make sure final user do respect their union significance will augment ability to bargain along the prices through: Better improved capture and as a result, trustworthiness of expenditure information; and Better assurance that costs volume can be assured from better conformity with the structure, hence allow degree price breaks and discount to achieve. These include the capacity to improve management of business cash flow as well as control the proficient imbursement of supplier because of the further rationalized procurement procedures giving additional suitable and precise information to the accounts payable department. Possible benefit includes limited staff a hard benefit only if improvement can bring about head count decrease) and brings down expenditure on postages as well as stationeries. Throughout negotiations the procurement manager can further credibly guarantee the supplier a level of prompt payment, which was not possible prior to e-procurement. David Eakin (2002). However, the electronic invoice benefit is frequently unexamined and uncared for. Reduction in Procurement Contracts cycle time Cost Reduction Efficient streamlined Procurement Processes New Supplier Discovery Close Monitoring of Activities/ Vendor Performance Rich MIS and Analytics New Improved Image Standardized formats and Uniform tendering practices Increased visibility/ Less artificial barriers Increased business opportunities, Greater degree of transparency Cycle time reduction in participation and award of Contract Supplier Enablement and Ease of Participation For high-value items, purchasing personal in the Ministry spends most of their work period on procurement activities. These functions involve developing relationship with considered supplier, negotiating prices as well as terms, qualifying supplier, and bringing out suppliers certification as well as evaluation. When buyer is occupied in the midst of information of lesser things (especially MROs), they have less period to adequately engage in the purchase of the high value item. Other problems can happen in traditional purchase. These include delay in paying a lot for hasten order. Purchase inadequacy is nonconformist exchange, (impromptu procurements of merchandise needed hurriedly, unintentionally at non-pre-negotiated soaring price. The conventional purchase procedure, as discuss over, is therefore ineffective. In other to avoid a repeat of this event, the ministry needs to re-engineer the process of purchasing, by carrying out of new purchasing models in general, through the int roduction of electronic purchase. From this stage, we shall gaze at what e-procurement means in B2B market. The issues are summarized below: Lack of a general Public Procurement Policy. Nigeria lack up to date regulation on Public Procurement and enduring supervision and supervise purchase entity. Transparency in Procurement Act, The finance Control and Management Act, 1958, jointly with Financial policy which sets basic regulations for managing public expenses have gap, deficiency as well as defective execution of existing set of laws on procurement (for example, inadequate in the arrangement for controlling and supervision) which make opportunity for unethical behaviour. Lack of model bidding documents and contract documents -because of inflations, inadequate and regularly adjustment to threshold of the favourable limit of the Tenders Board, their approval were regularly gnarled consequential in abuse, top amongst include is split of contract. Complicated procedures for approvals, bidding and payments. There is a large number of tenders board that are alleged by the private sector as a source of delay as well as non intelligibility. Furthermore, those tenders board appear to encompass inadequate mandate amid power to choose contracted faction active through the permanent Secretary as well as Minister/ Commissioner. Inadequate skilled resources. There is no centralized system of registration of suppliers. Delays in making payments to suppliers whos Procurement are sometimes executed through staffs that substantially lack the required experience. E-government procurement is the collaborative purchase of tangible and intangible merchandise by the civic division using electronic methods at every stage ensuring transparency and efficiency. Ideally, it covers the full life cycle of procurement. The intention is to automate, possibly, the whole purchasing processes, along with tender offer submission as well as payment from supplier; in an automated computerized concurrent situation .E-procurement could resolve many of the constraints/ delays of traditional procurement. In David Eakin (2002).Summary, e-Procurement is the business-to-business buying and selling of supplies and services online. The e-procurement helps both the buyers and the suppliers to decrease the cycle time, needless paper work, waiting in long queues and at the same time maintain the simplicity in the entire process. David Eakin, (February, 2003). Which are to:- Reduce cycle times of procurement Increase supplier access to ensure wider participation Reduce costs of procurement through competitive bidding and Reverse Auctioning Remove cartelisation by supplier groups (Reverse Auctioning) enhance transparency in the procurement procedure Almost complete elimination of paperwork, for speedy and efficient functioning Inefficient function In the Ministry is because of: Lack of a general civic procurement policy Lack of consistency in enforcing procurement practice procedures Low competence labour-intensive process call for of intelligibility in procurement leading to fraud pilferage of the treasury unethical practice by suppliers Cartel creation Influence selection by bribing unit personnel Advances in electronic procurement by the use of safe internet-enabled means have not being used in an extensive method Approach to a Procurement Solution Before looking for an e-Procurement solution, a relook on existing procurement procedures/ practices is essential: As Is Analysis, Re-engineering for optimized processes Optimization/ reduction in process-flow steps Uniformity/ standardization in formats/ practices/ procedures Organization wide use of unified item-codification structure Automation of Processes Critical Determinants of a procurement Solution Good authentication Role based access Security, Secrecy (of bids) Signing, Encryption Ease of Use, Tender Templates, e-Payment integration etc. Integrated Document Management features, Good Analytics Good Audit trail/ traceability features Access for Financial Audit, Legal and RTI needs Good Archival Retrieval features/ policy Safe and secure Probing for seller so as to get and contrast supplier and product occasionally can be in reality awfully time-consuming and expensive. Most Ministries as a way out invite sellers to fulfill orders and create market place. Procurement is used to refer to the purchase of goods and services for an organization, (Martin et. al., 2001). Federal Ministry of Science and Technology (FMST) are among of the important parastatals of the Federal Government. The major term of office is providing access to technology for the Majority of Nigerian Populace. The ministry is made up of 8 (eight) departments. The Department of Administration and Supply within the Ministry is responsible for: Planning, management and entirely documenting the procedure to purchase both tangible and intangible merchandise. use of active Continuing Service Agreement for products to attain program needs; management, soliciting and contract award procedures is done prudently and unprejudiced method that is fair and treat every potential vendor and bidder; ensures that contract for good, service as well as building is planned to offer the most excellent value to government; ensures that every ministry acquisition and disposal is unswerving with guidelines, appropriate legislature as well as trade agreement; Declare products excess as soon as their utilization to the ministry has finished. The department is therefore responsible for procurement of goods and services in the Ministry. The Nature and Scope of E-Procurement According to Nwokak et al, (2009) different methods are employed to procure goods and services by companies depending on what and where they buy, the quantities needed, how much money is involved, and more. They further mentioned some important procurements method to comprise the listed below: To buy from an internal buyers catalogue in which company-approved vendors catalogues, including agreed upon prices, are aggregated. This approach is used for the implementation of desktop purchasing, which allows the requisitions to order directly from vendors, bypassing the procurement department. Buy directly from manufacturers, wholesalers, or retailers from their catalogues and possibly by negotiation. Frequently, a contract implements such a purchase. Buy from the catalogue of an intermediary (e-distributor) that aggregates sellers catalogues. Conduct biding or tendering (a reverse auction) in a system in which suppliers compete against each other. This method is used for large-ticket items or large quantities. To buy at private or public auction sites in which the organization participates as one of the buyers. Collaborate with suppliers to share information about sales and inventory, as to reduce inventory and stock -outs and enhance just-in-time delivery (Turban et al 2006). Join a group-purchasing system that aggregates participants demand, creating a large volume. Then, the group may negotiate prices or initiate a tendering process. The Procurement Process Procurement cycle starts from Raising of the requirements for an item or a service and ends only after settlement of supplier payments. By Category of Goods Services Goods Services Civil Contracts By Nature of Procurement Tenders Rate Contract Catalogue Buying Auctions, Reverse Auctions By Size / Volume of procurement High Values, low volumes Low values, High Volumes By Portfolio of services needed Requisition, Bid Process Evaluation, Award, PO Supply, Quality check, Inventory Management Payment, Accounting, Audit MIS, EIS The traditional procurement process has been widely criticized as an ineffective procurement method because it often involves time and cost overrun (Dunleavy, 1994). Yet the method is still being widely used in Nigeria most especially for the procurement in Ministry of Science and technology. Inefficiencies in Traditional Procurement Management According to Nwokak et al (2009) precisely 80% of organizations purchase item, especially for Maintenances, Repairs as well as Operating items (MROs), constitutes 20- 25 percent of the total purchasing values. Furthermore, Nwokak; OzuruUgoji (2009) affirmed that a portion of corporate buyers time is spent on non-value-added activities such data entry, correcting errors in paper work, expediting delivery or solving quality problems. For high-value items, purchasing personal spend a great deal of time and effort on procurement activities. These activities include qualifying suppliers, negotiating prices and terms, building rapport with strategic suppliers, as well as carrying out supplier evaluation and certification (Nwokak et al, 2009). If buyers are busy with details of the smaller items (usually MROs), they do not have enough time to properly deal with the purchase of the high -value items. Other inefficiencies also may occur in conventional procurement. These range from delays to paying too much for rush orders. Procurement inefficiency is maverick buying, (unplanned purchase of items needed quickly, often at non-pre-negotiated high prices. The traditional procurement process, as discussed above, often is therefore inefficient (Mills, 1996). In order to correct this situation, the ministry needs to reengineer their procurement systems, implementation of new purchasing models and in particular, introduce e-procurement. At this juncture, we will look at what e-procurement is in a B2B marketplace. Issues in Ministry Procurement Lack of a common Public Procurement Policy: Nigeria lacks a modern law on Public Procurement and Permanent oversight and monitor purchasing entities. Lack of model bidding documents and contract documents -due to inflation and lack of regular adjustments on the thresholds of the approving limits of the Tender Boards, their authorization were constantly being eroded resulting in abuses, prominent among which is splitting of contracts. Complicated procedures for bidding, approvals and payments. That there was proliferation of tender boards which were perceived by the private sector as sources of delays and non transparency. In addition, these tender boards appeared to have limited mandates with powers to decide contracts de facto resting with the permanent Secretary and the Minister/ Commissioner. Lack of skilled resources. No centralized system of registration of suppliers. Delays in making payments to suppliers that Procurement is often carried out by staff who substantially lack relevant training. Conclusion Not until June 2008 was the procurement bill recently signed into law, previously there was no Federal or state law governing the practice of public procurement in Nigeria. With the advent of the new law, a number of challenges with regards to transparency, accountability and good governance in the area of contracts and procurement of supplies and services by government. In Nigeria it is pertinent to note that e-procurement is not prominently featured in law, this project sets out to make e-procurement prominently featured. With the advent of digital technology and globalisation, Nigeria as a third world country needs to be aware of the challenges and opportunities with regards to the e-procurement process. Furthermore, this project seeks to classify the meaning as well as the benefits of the E-procurement process in Nigeria. This project will also highlight the challenges in transforming Nigeria into a transparent and corrupt-free business environment and also ways of overcoming the challenges of adopting e-procurement in Nigeria. (E-Public Procurement in Nigeria: Some Lessons from EU, 2009) Investigation of Security Issues Security E-procurement platform transacts confidential procurement data and is exposed to several security threats. Agencies world over face threats to their online e-procurement and usually desist from sending sensitive information over the Internet for security reasons. The growing number of cyber crimes has added doubts regarding the reliability of the Internet. Security measures such as authentication and encryption are therefore employed while passing sensitive information between companies. Another major issue concerning e-procurement is the type of goods that are procured through the online medium. Companies usually prefer to source smaller, inexpensive goods such as office stationery (Miller, 2006). Larger complex orders that usually take weeks or months for negotiation are done in the traditional manner but this can be addressed by employing a combination of security features and security best practices which result in reduced threat of data loss, leakage or manipulation. Security and secrecy of tender data is of paramount importance as the portal handles sensitive procurement transactions of departments and has foreseen the security concerns. Security mechanisms provide a secure communication interface, mainly for the exchange of documents between procurement authorities and Economic Operators. Standards constituting adequate and acceptable security need to be provided for the implementation of services during each stage of the procurement process. Importance of Security in e-procurement Security is one of the major factors restricting the growth of e-procurement. Without proper security measures this could lead to the loss or corruption of sensitive information on e-procurement. Security breach could also lead to fraud and financial loss, also includes misappropriation of funds and revealing of sensitive information (The Economist, 1995). This project outlines various security issues faced by e-procurement in Nigeria and possible solutions that can be implemented to reduce such risk. (NATIONAL E-PROCUREMENT PROJECT SUPPLEMENTARY GUIDANCE NOTES, 2004) The major objectives measured for the creation of a safe environment include the following: Verification: guarantees that the service is only available to users with a confirmed identity. Agreement: guarantees that authenticated users can only contact services or data matching their task and access rights. Confidentiality: guarantees that the data exchanged between the person requesting it and the provider cannot be intercepted or accessed by a third non-authorised party. honesty: guarantees that data exchanged among the person requesting it and the contributor has not been tampered with by a third non-authorised party. Non repudiation: guarantees that the sender of the message cannot reject, at a shortly point in time, that he/she sent it. Accordingly, following stringent security measures are already implemented in the system to ensure that transactions on e-procurement portal happen in the most secured manner: Physical security of Data Centre. Entry to the Data centre is with Bio metric smart cards, round the clock CCTV monitoring and under strict personal supervision of Data Centre personnel. Web security through 128 bit Secured Socket Layer (SSL) Technology from client end to server for secured passage of data. Fire walls, intrusion detection system, online virus check, up to date antivirus system, online OS patches to prevent malicious attacks. Network monitoring system to monitor the service levels of the site. Sound back up methods for storing data. Comprehensive Audit Logs of all events that are taking place on the platform. Access controls, sharing of functions between system administrator and data base administrator Third party security audit of e-procurement system. M/s. PWC has conducted security audit in pilot phase (2003) and has expressed that security is unco